$ and jQuery in SharePoint
Do you still use $ for jQuery? Well, don’t. If your code with $ resides with a SharePoint Images webpart, it will stop working. You’ll get errors like
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'empty' of null The reason is that SharePoint uses $ in its own javascript code: CMSSiteManager.js function $() {ULSjlC:; var elements=new Array(); for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var element=arguments\[i\]; if (typeof element=='string') element=document.getElementById(element); if (arguments.
onchange isn't firing in IE
I don’t know why, but (not always, just sometimes) IE doesn’t fire the onchange event (which is added as an attribute on an html element). A better “workaround” is to add an eventlistener in javascript. Or a lazy workaround is to use the onclick event even for checkboxes.
ScriptResx.ashx in SharePoint
In my previous post I showed a little proof-of-concept for an httphandler which I want to use to dynamically get the localization resources from SharePoint as javascript object. But wait a moment. How does SharePoint handle localization on client? When you look in Script tab in Chrome dev tools, you’ll find:
ScriptResource.axd It is added to the server when deployed. See a good introduction to WebResource.axd and ScriptResource.axd by Brian Chavez.
Custom HttpHandler in SharePoint for getting dynamic javascript code
Sometimes I want to add some dynamic javascript code. E.g. I had an idea to get javascript code for localization dynamically. Kirk Evan provides a very clean approach to add ASP.NET HttpHandler to SharePoint. This is just a little lab: Create a SharePoint empty project. I call it Jerkelle. Create a class called Resx2JsHandler and implement the IHttpHandler interface Add the mapped folder Layouts and create Jerkelle.ashx file Here is the project.
XMLHttpRequest the hard way
$.ajax is great, it hides much of the complexity. But sometimes we need to work with “raw” javascript :) So let’s look behind the scenes. The XMLHttpRequest (or just XHR) is used to open a connection to a server without a page reload. Internet Explorer calls it ActiveXObject and it differs in IE versions. Wikipedia article gives a good example how to create one constructor for all browsers: [sourcecode language=“javascript”]if (typeof XMLHttpRequest == “undefined”) XMLHttpRequest = function () { try { return new ActiveXObject(“Msxml2.
Loading notification
When you load some data with ajax, you will probably want to show the users in some way, that data is loading. To show the text “loading…” would be enough. Another, very common way to do it to show a spinner, a rotating image. In sharepoint we can use the built-in gif which can be found in /_layouts/images/loading16.gif. Well, it is actually not so good, because this image is not so beautiful.
javascript trim()
String.trim() is quite useful in many situations. Unfortunately not all browsers have this function on String prototype (e.g. IE8): I see many people use jQuery.trim(), but isn’t it better to just use String.trim and provide a backup function if it is not implemented, like we did with Date.toISOString:
if(!String.prototype.trim) { String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g, ""); } } ```EDIT: [found this solution on SO]( Did we think the same?
Knas på Swedbanks mobilsida
Försökte ladda mitt kontantkort idag via Swedbanks mobilsida. Det gick inte. Och det berodde inte på iPhone som jag först trodde. Orsaken var ett knasigt användande av ett html5-attribut i en annars html4-hemsida: input type=“number”: Att skriva en nolla i telefonnumret var helt omöjligt trots att sidan spottade ut fel och krävde en nolla. Med lite handpåläggning gick det! Tur att man bara kunde rader type=“number” och att sånt knasigt fel inte låg i code-behind.
Push a copy of Resources to client in javascript
In one of my previous posts I told about pushing a copy of an object into client. Now I’ll try to copy my resource values into client. The problem is often that we must create multiple localization resources: first as resx-file. If we use much ajax and client side rendering, we must provide some localization there, too. If they are different subsets of localization resources, it isn’t a problem. But when you get overlapping, it becomes more difficult to manage and sync them.
Simple select unselect all
I have a simple html table, every row in tbody has a checkbox. thead has a checkbox. When it is checked/unchecked, all checkboxes have to be selected/ unselected. Here is a very simple javascript to achieve this:
$("#mytable thead :checkbox").live({ change: function () { var checked = $(this).is(":checked"); $("#mytable tbody :checkbox").attr("checked", checked); } });