Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “ASP.NET”
Trying out Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu
I am very curious about the new .NET Core, ASP.NET 5, EF 7 and Visual Studio Code for Linux, Mac and Windows. I have tried it out on an Ubuntu 15.04 machine. The installation and configuration required a few steps, so it is not an usual “Next-next-next”-installation. But, hey, it is just a beta, a preview so far, and first of all: It worked. I am sharing a couple of screenshots and the commands I ran in the terminal, mixed with comments and links: [source language=“bash”] #install latest node and npm #https://www.
cross browser console.log
console.log is the best tool for debugging javascript. In Firefox Firebug and Chrome Dev Tools you can even log objects which are represented as tree nodes of properties. If Firebug or Dev Tools in Chrome and IE9 are not opened, all these messages are ignored. But IE8 doesn’t understand console (if Dev Tools are closed) and raises an error: To avoid these errors, just declare an empty function just for IE8–:
XMLHttpRequest the hard way
$.ajax is great, it hides much of the complexity. But sometimes we need to work with “raw” javascript :) So let’s look behind the scenes. The XMLHttpRequest (or just XHR) is used to open a connection to a server without a page reload. Internet Explorer calls it ActiveXObject and it differs in IE versions. Wikipedia article gives a good example how to create one constructor for all browsers: [sourcecode language=“javascript”]if (typeof XMLHttpRequest == “undefined”) XMLHttpRequest = function () { try { return new ActiveXObject(“Msxml2.
Datetime in ASP.NET javascript and $.ajax
In one of my previous blogs I wrote about serializing of javascript objects. You can do it with JSON.stringify or Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize. Both methods work fine… almost. There is a big difference when it comes to datetime objects. MS treats dates a little bit different (like RegEx and much more). Let’s try this one:
var writer = { name: "Ajgi", birthdate: new Date(1934, 8-1, 21) }; var json = JSON.stringify(writer); var msjson = Sys.
String.format for javascript
sprintf is actually the best javascript implementation of sprintf (string.format). But wait, shouldn’t it be some more .NET-like stuff in SharePoint environment? Indeed there is! (Well, not only in SP, but ASP.NET) String.format(“Hello {0}”, “world”) does exactly the same thing as on server side. Wow, it opens for many opportunities, e.g. in jQuery tmpl: String.format validates arguments, and if all is OK, it invokes another function String._toFormattedString:
function String$\_toFormattedString(useLocale, args) { var result = ''; var format = args\[0\]; for (var i=0;;) { var open = format.
ASP.NET Ajax Toolkit
To integrate ASP.NET Ajax Toolkit is not the most straight forward task in SharePoint. If you want to take the risk, “Inspired by Technology” provides the best guide so far.
Push a copy of an object to client
To reduce postbacks and database calls, a copy of the current object(s) can be pushed down to the client in JSON format. Say a webpart renders information about a person, another webpart shows related information which is retrieved dynamically (like web services). Instead of getting the current person from the database in the second webpart again, we can reuse the same person object from the first webpart. To do so we must provide a DataContract for the Person class:
json serializer in Sharepoint
There is a very handy JSON lib for serializing javascript objects. It is hosted on github under douglas crockford. Download json2.js and serialize with JSON.stringify function: EDIT: There is actually this function in core javascript. It exists since javascript 1.7 and ecmascript 5. So you don’t have to add anything to get this functionality:
var t = { name: "dev", city: "new york" }; JSON.stringify(t); ```There are actually built-in goodies for serializing javascript objects in [ASP.
Om du vill behålla dina värden på variabler mellan postbacks, använd ViewState:
if (ViewState\["MaxNumberOfArticles"\] != null) { MaxNumberOfArticles = (int) ViewState\["MaxNumberOfArticles"\]; } MaxNumberOfArticles += 10; ViewState.Add("MaxNumberOfArticles", MaxNumberOfArticles); RenderNews();
Ett mycket bra inlägg från Tom Puleos blogg om SPSecurityTrimmedControl. Måste absolut testa det.
Sharepoint + OpenSource = Sant
Om man söker på Sharepoint i får man 729 projekt som är alltså öppna. Det är inte illa. Bland dem finns till exempel Sharepoint Log Viewer. Till det kommer 713 öppna projekt som är taggade ASP.NET som kan användas väldigt mycket i Sharepoint-utveckling. Bland ASP.NET-taggade finns smidiga Telerik Extensions. Powershell är också absolut en tag som man ska söka på i codeplex. är Microsofts officiella OpenSource-portal. Det måste finnas andra sidor där öppna projekt inom Sharepoint och ASP.