Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Datepicker”
angular jQuery UI autocomplete
Angular JS is one of the most developed MVC frameworks in the javascript world. Angular UI is a huge UI-centric extension of AngularJS (it is more or less like jQuery UI to the jQuery). It uses much jQuery UI and Twitter Bootstrap and provides many own components like modal dialogs, maps, tooltips, masked inputs and much more. And all this is easy to implement in your code just by adding a directive: [sourcecode language=“html”][/sourcecode] Much cleaner than listening on $(document).ready, traversing the DOM and appending the datepicker in your code: [sourcecode language=“html”][/sourcecode] [sourcecode language=“javascript”]$(document).ready(function() { var input = $("#myDate"); input.datepicker(); });[/sourcecode] All this code is invoked but outside your app code.