Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Devtools”
Switch back to Modern UI
Just a little tip. When you switched to a Classic View of Site Contents, you can switch back by removing a cookie called “splnu”.
Updating hover style in IE8 Developer Tools
In our project we still have to support Internet Explorer 8. The CSS issues in IE8 are most difficult to debug and solve. You can not add a new rule in Developer Tools or toggle the state of an element to hover as in moder web browser dev tools. One solution that I’ve come up to today, is to add a style with javascript or jQuery, open the script pane in IE8 Dev Tools and add this line: [code language=“javascript”] $(’.ms-srch-item:hover {filter:none !important;}’) .appendTo($(‘body’)) [/code] This will fill update the hover effect of the .ms-srch-item directly. That’s it, just a little tip.
TypeScript in SharePoint
By now TypeScript shouldn’t be something one has to introduce.
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
If you haven’t already done it, go and see the intro video for TypeScript, check out a tutorial and visit the typescript playground. There are other javascript libraries which extend javascript and are compatible/compile to javascript: Dart and CoffeeScript. To be honest I had never time to try those. The fact that TypeScript is well integrated into Visual Studio which I happen to work within all the days (intellisense, compilation checks and more) did me curious. This post is actually not about TypeScript itself, but a test to use it in SharePoint. In this short “lab” I even had Web Essentials 2012 which automatically compile typescript files into plain javascript files on save. This is what I did: Install TypeScript and Web Essentials 2012 Create a SharePoint-hosted app: Create a new TypeScript file in the autogenerated “Scripts”-module and call it “Greeter.ts” Just save the file as it is. The new file is created: Greeter.js Now we don’t need to copy this file to the app, so remove Greeter.ts from the Elements.xml file (or comment it out): Open the Default.aspx from the Pages module and add the reference to the new javascript file:
Paging with JSOM
If there are many list items you try retrieve with javascript object model,paging could be very useful. Today I came across a wonderful blog post series about javascript object model in SharePoint: The SharePoint javascript object model - Resources and Real World Examples posted by David Mann and published on Aptilon Blog. There is an example how to achieve paging with JSOM. The key is items.get_listItemCollectionPosition() and query.set_listItemCollectionPosition() I have refactored David’s example to avoid global variables and to put into a module. Here is it. If you have a Tasks list in your site with many items, just hit F12 to open the console and paste this and see the result:
Enable Save in IE9 mode
Wouldn’t it be nice to use html5 and css3 in SharePoint? No problems, there is actually v5 master out there, created by Kyle Schaefer. Or just use h5ml5 and css3 right away in your webparts and pages. But there is a big problem. It doesn’t work in IE9–. One of the issues (even listed by Kyle) is that “save” doesn’t work in modal dialogs where Rich Text Editor is used. Especialy it is for modal dialogs. The problem is not IE9, neither html5 and css3. After some digging in javascript code which is shipped with SharePoint I found out that the problem is some legacy javascript code which is not supported by IE9 but in IE8– (and compatibility mode). When we set IE9 mode in IE9 Dev Tools (F12) and go to Tasks list and try to create a task, we’ll get an error: It is RTE_GetEditorIFrame from init.js:
Save an excel sheet as a clean table
To save an excel sheet as a html table is very easy. Just select the needed area, then go to Save as and check the selection and choose html as output format. It works fine. It even looks like it did in Excel. But what if you don’t want all this junk, you want only the plain html table (e.g. for pasting into WP). When I saved my permission levels to html, I used this javascript code. First open the html page which Excel has created in Chrome, open the Dev Tools console, load the latest jQuery into the page, and remove all unnecessary attributes and styling, remove the comments, after that you can just copy the outerHTML of the table and paste into a text editor:
Autocomplete för sökruta i Sharepoint
Ett mycket trevligt projekt: Search As You Type på Codeplex. Ladda ner textfilen och lägg till javascript och css från den filen till masterpage. Så enkelt är det. Jag har testat det genom att direkt stoppa in koden i Chrome Console.
Ladda jQuery dynamiskt till din sida
Vill du ändra innehåll, testa olika javascript-funktioner på din sida, prova något direkt i webbläsaren (utan att behöva deploya om), så är DevTools i Chrome, eller Firebug i Firefox väldigt bra verktyg. Om du har jQuery på din sida, så är det ännu bättre. Men om du inte har det, så ladda det i efterhand genom att öppna konsolen (Ctrl-Shift-J i Chrome) och kör följande rader kod (klistra in dem på en gång, och tryck på Enter):
Ctrl-Shift-J is the shit
devtools i google chrome underlättar så enormt. Lägg Ctrl-Shift-J på minnet. För då kommer du direkt till konsolen i devtools och kan testa.
Om man till exempel bara vill omdefiniera en funktion så kan man göra det direkt i webbläsarens addressruta: Inled det med javascript:function till exempel: javascript:function shout_out(greeting) {alert(greeting);};
Felsök på clientsidan med Chrome DevTools
Här är en väldigt bra video som berättar om nya devtools i Google Chrome 10. Den visar 12 tricks hur man kan underlätta felsökning av html, css och javascript. Att kunna ändra html,css och js on-the-fly är faktiskt häftigt. För mig som länge har använt Firebug i Firefox (som nu inte funkar på FF4 RC) känns devtools väldigt bra. [youtube]
Comments from
Ändra utseendet på sidan direkt i webbläsaren « Sharepoint. Kunskap. Upptäckter på resan. - Mar 1, 2011