Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Diagram”
Snabba diagram i SharePoint Online
Ett nytt tips på svenska: det finns en webpart i SharePoint Online: snabbdiagram.
När du har lagt till ett snabbdiagram, kan du skriva välja mellan stapel och cirkeldiagram
Du kan bara välja mellan stapel- och cirkeldiagram.
Data går att mata in direkt.
Resultatet får du direkt:
Använd data från en lista
Det går att visualisera data från en SharePoint-lista. Det är inte så mycket mer komplicerat, men det öppnar nya möjligheter. Du behöver bara hålla listan uppdaterad.
Publishing Visio diagrams as html image maps
I got a question from a customer: We have our processes defined in Visio, we don’t have SharePoint Enterprise CALs to use the Visio webpart. We have links in process maps. What can we do? Well there are three five ways to solve this business need:
- Find money for SharePoint Enterprise - Very expensive
- Show Visio diagrams as pdf files on SharePoint Pages - Expensive.
- Embed Visio diagrams as html image maps - Least expensive
- Embed Visio diagrams as svg pictures - Separate blog post.
- Link to Visio files that are opened using Visio Web Viewer in a new browser tab.
If the business needs other features available only in Enterprise, just use the solution 1. Stop reading. If you are looking for alternatives, then consider pdf and image maps. I have seen projects where pdf files were embedded in the SharePoint Pages. It required a pdf plugin in IE, a lot of time to make it look the same in different browsers and the scroll and fixed size was still there. It was expensive because of the development and configuration time. In this blog post, I want to show the alternative number 3: embedding Visio diagrams as html image maps. This is only a Proof-of-concept so far.