Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “ie”
Styling suiteBar and IE8
Today I want to share little css tip for styling the suiteBar in SharePoint 2013 and making it work even in IE8. I needed to apply a green color to the suiteBar (#005128). It worked in all browsers except IE8: The reason why is a special css rule (in corev15.css) that only IE8 understands: [sourcecode language=“css”] .ms-core-needIEFilter #suiteBarLeft { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0,startColorstr=#ff0072c6,endColorstr=#ff0072c6); } [/sourcecode] I found this answer in an blog post written by Trace Armstrong: SharePoint 2013 – Branding the Top Bar and the Importance of Browser Testing.
Using javascript objects passed from closed popup
It is not a rocket science to pass objects from child window (popup) to main window. The problem I encountered today was IE and passing complex objects. So it is just an IE issue as far as I know. The problem occurs when you pass some object (not a simple String or Number) to main window:
window.opener.takeAnObjectFromChild = { title: "Should even be available when I close the child" }; and you then close the child window, next time the main window tries to access the passed object:
fallback for html5 placeholders
Placeholders are very handy in html5, we don’t need to fool with input values. But in SharePoint and IE we must provide fallback for placeholders if we want use them in other browsers. Here is an jQuery extension to do that:
(function ($) { $.fn.extend({ ensurePlaceholders: function () { var input = document.createElement('input'); var placeholderSupported = ('placeholder' in input); if (placeholderSupported) { return; } function setHints(elem) { var $elem = $(elem); var value = $elem.
Enable Save in IE9 mode
Wouldn’t it be nice to use html5 and css3 in SharePoint? No problems, there is actually v5 master out there, created by Kyle Schaefer. Or just use h5ml5 and css3 right away in your webparts and pages. But there is a big problem. It doesn’t work in IE9–. One of the issues (even listed by Kyle) is that “save” doesn’t work in modal dialogs where Rich Text Editor is used. Especialy it is for modal dialogs.