Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Libraries”
Toastr.js and SharePoint
Have you used SharePoint javascript Notifications (SP.UI.Notify)? Are you looking for something new and fresh? Well then check out the Toastr.js - a simple, beautiful, fully responsive and light-weight javascript lib for notifications, developed by John Papa and Hans Fjällemark and released under the MIT License. By the way, toastr was one of many things I discovered and learned on John Papa’s online course by pluralsight: Single Page Apps with HTML5, Web API, Knockout and jQuery. It is a really awesome course, where you learn how to create an amazing SPA. Well, how’s about SharePoint. While whatching the course videos about toastr, I thought: Can we use it in SharePoint? Yes we can! Just load the toastr css and js and start using it:
JSOM: Last Modified Date of a List
The data transfer between server and client can heavily affect the performance. One of the measures to reduce the amount data transferred from the server to the client is storing data on the client. In many modern browsers we can use html5 localStorage. Even in older browsers there are ways to store data. I would recommend a nice js lib called amplify.js. The interface is much easier, then:"key", { title: "value" });
```It comes in nicely, if we have much data which we get with JSOM. But we have to care about eventual changes to list items done after we got them the last time. So we have to store the [last modified date]( This property is also available in JSOM:
var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current(); var web = ctx.get_web(); var lists = web.get_lists(); var list = lists.getByTitle(“Tasks”); ctx.load(list, “LastItemModifiedDate”); ctx.executeQueryAsync( function() { var lastmodified = list.get_lastItemModifiedDate(); }, function() {} );
Version 0.2.2: Added libraries
Libraries are now present on the LUSites map. The list of Lund University Libraries was taken from the official site. Committed on Github, but not published on Market. Here is the coordinates of the libraries, their addresses and the CSV-file which is located in /res/raw/libraries_utf8.csv in the LUSites project. Archaeological Library Visiting address: Sandgatan 1 Telephone: 046 2223187, HS: 24 (55.70594904569557, 13.19543570280075) Architecture and Design, Library Visiting address: Sölvegatan 39 Building: Kemicentrum, floor: 1 Telephone: 046 2227244, HS: 2 (55.71589492312098, 13.210244178771973) Art Academy Library, Malmö Visiting address: Föreningsgatan 42 Telephone: 040 325722, HS: 45 Asia Library Visiting address: Scheelevägen 15 B Telephone: 046 222 3043, HS: 61 (55.71405764996187, 13.214406967163086) Astronomy, Libr. Visiting address: Sölvegatan 27 Building: Astronomihuset, floor: 2 Telephone: 046 222 7304, HS: 25 (55.71171258368761, 13.204450607299805) Biology Library Visiting address: Sölvegatan 37 Building: Ekologihuset, floor: Bottenpl Telephone: 046 222 3812, HS: 50 (55.71420995359545, 13.20809125812957) Campus Helsingborg, Libr. Visiting address: Universitetsplatsen 2 Building: C, floor: 2 Telephone: 042 356580 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Libr. Visiting address: Sölvegatan 39 Telephone: 046 2228339, HS: 1 (55.71594327124769, 13.21033000946045) Civil Engineering Library Visiting address: John Ericssons Väg 1 Building: V-huset, floor: Entré Telephone: 046 2227937, HS: 3 (55.71258293399021, 13.211137354373932) Geolibrary Visiting address: Sölvegatan 12 Building: Geocentrum II Telephone: 046 222 39 60, HS: 16 (55.709346220780546, 13.201250731945038) History, Libr. Visiting address: Magle stora kyrkogata 12 A Telephone: 046 222 79 47, HS: 23 (55.702935467932335, 13.198925256729126) Languages and Literature, Libr. Visiting address: Helgonabacken 12 Telephone: 046 222 32 20, HS: 20 (55.70907723814732, 13.199536800384521) Law Library Visiting address: Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 4 Telephone: 046 2221007, HS: 56 (55.7052478126403, 13.19107174873352) Library of the E-huset, LTH Visiting address: Ole Römers Väg 3 Building: E-huset, floor: entré Telephone: 046 2220477, HS: 7 (55.71109607382483, 13.210394382476807) LTHs Studiecentrum Visiting address: John Ericssonsväg 4 Telephone: 046 2224825, HS: 8 (55.71152521407211, 13.209450244903564) Lund University Libraries, Head Office Visiting address: Tornavägen 9 A,B Building: Tegelstenen, floor: 1 och 3 Telephone: 046 222 00 00, HS: 51 (55.70848486536929, 13.208152055740356) Mathematics, Libr. Visiting address: Sölvegatan 18 Building: Matematikhuset, floor: 2 Telephone: 046 222 74 89, HS: 6 (55.71076968231173, 13.20681095123291) Medical Faculty Library at Vårdvetenskapens hus, Lund Visiting address: Baravägen 3 Building: Health Sciences Centre, floor: plan 2 Telephone: 046 222 18 00, HS: 65 (55.71724260473777, 13.193110227584839) Medical Library at UsiL, Lund Visiting address: Getingevägen 4 Building: Universitetssjukhuset, Centralblocket, floor: plan 1 Telephone: 046 222 18 55, HS: 32 (55.71244996505999, 13.196607828140259) Medical Library in CRC, Malmö Visiting address: Ingång 72 Univeristetssjukhuset MAS, UMAS Building: Clinical Research Centre, CRC, floor: entrevån Telephone: 040 39 15 00, HS: 33 Music Library, Malmö Visiting address: Ystadvägen 25 Telephone: 040 325446, HS: 42 Philosophy, Libr. Visiting address: Kungshuset Telephone: 046 2223675, HS: 30 (55.706012518756204, 13.19507360458374) Physics, Libr. Visiting address: Professorsgatan 1 Building: Fysicum Hus H, floor: Entré Telephone: 046 2227779, HS: 14 (55.71031031185903, 13.204643726348877) Political Science Library Visiting address: Paradisgatan 5 Building: Hus H; Eden, floor: 2 Telephone: 046 222 36 91, HS: 35 (55.70677418744201, 13.194794654846191) Raoul Wallenberg Institute Library Visiting address: Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 3 B Telephone: 046 2221215, 2221230, HS: 56 (55.705216075501774, 13.191157579421997) School of Economics and Management Library Visiting address: Tycho Brahes väg 1 Building: Holger Crafoords Ekonomicentrum 1, floor: 1 Telephone: 046 2229445, HS: 10 (55.709627290542365, 13.212937116622925) Social and behavioural Sciences, Libr. Visiting address: Allhelgona kyrkogata 14 Building: hus J Telephone: 046 2220990, HS: 31 (55.708493932367254, 13.194451332092285) The IIIEE Library Visiting address: Tegnérsplatsen 4 Telephone: 046 222 02 38, HS: 53 (55.704229188760834, 13.195728063583374) Theology and Religious studies, Libr. Visiting address: Allhelgona Kyrkogata 8 Telephone: 046 222 90 39, HS: 36 (55.70868433883831, 13.194515705108643) Theoretical Physics Library Visiting address: Sölvegatan 14A Building: Fysicum Hus K, floor: 200 Telephone: 046 2220432 / 2227779, HS: 14A (55.710902656961046, 13.203780055046082) University Library Visiting address: Helgonabacken 1 Telephone: 046 222 00 00, HS: 19 (55.709059104420014, 13.197294473648071) Wrangel, Libr. Visiting address: Biskopsgatan 5 Building: Wrangel, floor: 1 Telephone: 046 222 33 52, HS: 59 (55.706695603264485, 13.199906945228577) /res/raw/libraries_utf8.csv: 13.19543570280075,55.70594904569557,"Archaeological Library","Sandgatan 1, Telephone: 046 2223187" 13.210244178771973,55.71589492312098,"Architecture and Design, Library","Sölvegatan 39, Building: Kemicentrum, floor: 1" 13.214406967163086,55.71405764996187,"Asia Library","Scheelevägen 15 B, Telephone: 046 222 3043" 13.204450607299805,55.71171258368761,"Astronomy Library","Sölvegatan 27, Building: Astronomihuset, floor: 2, Telephone: 046 222 7304" 13.20809125812957,55.71420995359545,"Biology Library","Sölvegatan 37, Building: Ekologihuset, floor: Bottenpl, Telephone: 046 222 3812" 13.21033000946045,55.71594327124769,"Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Library","Sölvegatan 39, Telephone: 046 2228339" 13.211137354373932,55.71258293399021,"Civil Engineering Library","John Ericssons Väg 1, Building: V-huset, floor: Entré, Telephone: 046 2227937" 13.201250731945038,55.709346220780546,"Geolibrary","Sölvegatan 12, Building: Geocentrum II, Telephone: 046 222 39 60" 13.198925256729126,55.702935467932335,"History Library","Magle stora kyrkogata 12 A, Telephone: 046 222 79 47" 13.199536800384521,55.70907723814732,"Languages and Literature Library","Helgonabacken 12, Telephone: 046 222 32 20" 13.19107174873352,55.7052478126403,"Law Library","Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 4, Telephone: 046 2221007" 13.210394382476807,55.71109607382483,"Library of the E-huset, LTH","Ole Römers Väg 3, Building: E-huset, floor: entré, Telephone: 046 2220477" 13.209450244903564,55.71152521407211,"LTHs Studiecentrum","John Ericssonsväg 4, Telephone: 046 2224825" 13.208152055740356,55.70848486536929,"Lund University Libraries, Head Office","Tornavägen 9 A,B. Building: Tegelstenen, floor: 1 och 3. Telephone: 046 222 00 00" 13.20681095123291,55.71076968231173,"Mathematics Library","Sölvegatan 18. Building: Matematikhuset, floor: 2. Telephone: 046 222 74 89" 13.193110227584839,55.71724260473777,"Medical Faculty Library at Vårdvetenskapens hus","Baravägen 3. Building: Health Sciences Centre, floor: plan 2. Telephone: 046 222 18 00" 13.196607828140259,55.71244996505999,"Medical Library at UsiL","Getingevägen 4. Building: Universitetssjukhuset, Centralblocket, floor: plan 1. Telephone: 046 222 18 55" 13.19507360458374,55.706012518756204,"Philosophy Library","Kungshuset, Lundagård. Telephone: 046 2223675" 13.204643726348877,55.71031031185903,"Physics Library","Professorsgatan 1. Building: Fysicum Hus H, floor: Entré. Telephone: 046 2227779" 13.194794654846191,55.70677418744201,"Political Science Library","Paradisgatan 5. Building: Hus H; Eden, floor: 2. Telephone: 046 222 36 91" 13.191157579421997,55.705216075501774,"Raoul Wallenberg Institute Library","Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 3 B. Telephone: 046 2221215, 046 2221230" 13.212937116622925,55.709627290542365,"School of Economics and Management Library","Tycho Brahes väg 1. Building: Holger Crafoords Ekonomicentrum 1, floor: 1. Telephone: 046 2229445" 13.194451332092285,55.708493932367254,"Social and behavioural Sciences Library","Allhelgona kyrkogata 14. Building: hus J. Telephone: 046 2220990" 13.195728063583374,55.704229188760834,"The IIIEE Library","Tegnérsplatsen 4. Telephone: 046 222 02 38" 13.194515705108643,55.70868433883831,"Theology and Religious studies Library","Allhelgona Kyrkogata 8. Telephone: 046 222 90 39" 13.203780055046082,55.710902656961046,"Theoretical Physics Library","Sölvegatan 14A Building: Fysicum Hus K, floor: 200. Telephone: 046 2220432 / 2227779" 13.197294473648071,55.709059104420014,"University Library","Helgonabacken 1. Telephone: 046 222 00 00" 13.199906945228577,55.706695603264485,"Wrangel Library","Biskopsgatan 5. Building: Wrangel, floor: 1. Telephone: 046 222 33 52"