Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “M365”
ServiceNow Support Portal URLs in M365 Graph Connector
How to use ExternalItem.ReadWrite.Ownedby
Monitoring Microsoft 365 using Raspberry Pi and M365 CLI
I would like to show you my recent hobby project with a raspberry pi, a unicorn phat and the powerful cli-microsoft365: A simple monitoring solution of Microsoft 365 Services.
Status of some important services in Microsoft 365
In essence, I put the unicorn phat onto the raspberry pi zero w and wrote this python script:
The python script checks the service status every five minutes and shows it with colors on the unicorn phat.
Is an M365 Group a Yammer Community
Nowadays a Yammer Community gets a corresponding Microsoft 365 Group (Office 365 Group, Unified Group). In your work as an SPO Admin, you might need to differentiate “ordinary” Modern Team Sites from those ones that were created for a Yammer Community.
They both have GROUP#0 as Template. On the actual SPO Site object, there is nothing that you can use to differentiate those. Neither you can use the Office 365 Group information. But there is a way: if you connect to Exchange Online and get the group from there, then there is something useful.