Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Market”
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Chuvash Keyboard for Android
Now there is a Chuvash keyboard for Android. The little program uses AnySoftKeyboard application, gives the ability to write in Cyrillic and Latin. All kinds of feedback are appreciated. Chuvash Keyboard for Android is open source like AnySoftKeyboard.
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Bobusos. Rövarspråk translator
I have published my old app “Rövarspråksöversättare”, an assignment on the android course. Rövarspråket is the Swedish language game. Of course Bobusos (“bus” - en:prank in Rövarspråket) is open source and can be found on Github.
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Publish upgrade on Market - checklist
Here comes my checklist about what has to be done in order to publish an upgrade on Market.
- get all code from github (git pull origin master)
- Test the application
- Change version number in AndroidManifest.xml
- Commit “version x.x.” and push
- (Change google map api key in res/layout/main.xml to the prod key)
- In Eclipse: Project → Clean
- Right-click on project → Android tools → Export signed… (~/Skrivbord/LUSites-unaligned.apk)
- Zipalign (e.g.: zipalign -v 4 LUSites-unaligned.apk LUSites-v0.2.7.apk)
- Publish upgrade on market
- Save the apk to the archive