Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “mobile”
Tip: Use the weakest CSS selectors
I am reading Mobile HTML5 written by Estelle Weyle. It is an awesome recap and new knowledge about html, css and javascript. I want to highlight one of tips I got: Use the weakest CSS selectors (can be found on page 204). We all know, that inline CSS and !important are evil. They have a higher level of specifity and override the standard cascade of the CSS rules. If you use !
Chuvash translation of Wikipedia Mobile
The official Wikipedia mobile app is now translated into Chuvash language and available to use: What does Chuvash mean? I am Chuvash. Chuvash is the name of an ethnicity which counts up to 2 milions peoply (mostly in Russia). Chuvashes talk the Chuvash language which is also an official language in Chuvash Republic (besides Russian). Chuvash language is a Turkic language and has a status “Vulnerable” in the UNESCO list of languages in danger.
jQuery mobile and SharePoint
In this post I want to explore how to build a mobile app using jQuery mobile. Recently I discovered two great blog posts about this:
Building SharePoint web apps using Sencha Touch by Luc Stakenborg jQuery mobile and SharePoint by Chris Quick In my post I’ll use their findings and share some of mine thougts. I’ll focus mostly on how to get started with jQuery mobile and SharePoint. So go ahead and create your jQuery mobile app, just drag’n’drop some controls: Download it and yout get an “app.