Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Module”
Paging with JSOM
If there are many list items you try retrieve with javascript object model,paging could be very useful. Today I came across a wonderful blog post series about javascript object model in SharePoint: The SharePoint javascript object model - Resources and Real World Examples posted by David Mann and published on Aptilon Blog. There is an example how to achieve paging with JSOM. The key is items.get_listItemCollectionPosition() and query.set_listItemCollectionPosition() I have refactored David’s example to avoid global variables and to put into a module. Here is it. If you have a Tasks list in your site with many items, just hit F12 to open the console and paste this and see the result:
javascript: Umbrella pattern
There are two great patterns for organizing javascript code: Prototype and Module pattern. More about them later in this post. But in reality I still see much of spagghetti Just an example: SharePoint 101 code samples. They are indeed very simple and isolated examples. And many projects use this simple way in mind when they begin. But when javascript code grows, it becomes a monster. Have you seen this biest? How is this monster created? Through good intentions (like everything else) in form of KISS mantra, to little time and the “commit and run”-behavior, or the worst: “I am c#-er, not Front-End-Developer”-spirit. In this post I’ll introduce a kind of compromise the Umbrella pattern. But before that, let’s see how to recognize the spagghetti monster in javascript:
javascript Module pattern
Want organize your js code in a kind of namespaces, or modules, then use the module pattern. I’ll take the dummy example for getting the current anchor. Let’s look how it would be if the prototype based approach is used:
var Contoso.Utils = function() {};
Contoso.Utils.prototype = {
getCurrentAnchor: function() {
var url = window.location;
var anchor=url.hash; //anchor with the # character
var anchor2=url.hash.substring(1); //anchor without the # character
return anchor2;
var util = new Contoso.Utils();
var anchor = util.getCurrentAnchor();
```The [prototype pattern]( reminds the classic object oriented programming. Now, how would it look in the module pattern:
var Contoso = Contoso || {}; Contoso.Utils = function() { //private var invokeCounter = 0; var logInvokeCounter = function() { invokeCounter++; console.log(“invoked: " + invokeCounter + " times”); } //public return { getCurrentAnchor: function() { var url = window.location; var anchor=url.hash; //anchor with the # character var anchor2=url.hash.substring(1); //anchor without the # character logInvokeCounter(); return anchor2; } } }(); var anchor = Contoso.Utils.getCurrentAnchor();