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Adding organizational units to AD through powershell
Want to create some organizational structure in AD, I suppose it is specifically useful in a development environment, well the best solution is powershell then. Mastering Powershell by and by Niklas Goude provide examples how to do this.
$domain = \[ADSI\]""
$ou = $domain.Create("organizationalUnit", "OU=Administration")
```Be sure you write "organizationalUnit" in lower case. Otherwise you'll get "Exception calling "SetInfo" with "0" argument(s): "The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist" when you invoke **$ou.setinfo()**. If you want to create an OU under another OU, just create $domain and specify the location: \[code language="powershell"\] $domain = \[ADSI\]"OU=Administration, dc=takana, dc=local" $company = $domain.Create("organizationalUnit", "OU=Accounting") $company.SetInfo()</pre> To save some other properties: <pre>$ou.put("Description", "this is a dummy ou") $ou.SetInfo() \[/code\]
#### Update 2013-12-10
In PowerShell V3 you have a built-in cmdlet for doing that once you add the Active Directory role in your server. It simple as that: \[code language="powershell"\] New-ADOrganizationalUnit "Accounting" -Path "dc=takana, dc=local" \[/code\]