Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Quicklaunch”
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Check if an html element is hidden using jQuery
Well, sometimes we need to calculate width and so on. In my next post I will write about how to fix auto-resize on fixed sized master pages. But now: a very nice stuff: how to check if an element is hidden or not:
```It is a pure poetry. It reminds me of the beauty of [symbols in Ruby](
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Länkar på quicklaunchen
Det är en skum grej: Länkar (listor och bibliotek, kalender och dylikt) visas inte. När jag har ändrat Navigation properties i min konfiguration i onet.xml, då funkar det:
<!-- Navigation Properties -->
<Feature ID="541F5F57-C847-4e16-B59A-B31E90E6F9EA">
<Properties xmlns="">
<Property Key="InheritGlobalNavigation" Value="true"/>
**<Property Key="ShowSiblings" Value="false"/>**
<Property Key="IncludeSubSites" Value="true" />
<Property Key="IncludePages" Value="false" />