Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Refactoring”
Version 0.3.0: Move to SD card feature
In the version 0.3.0 issues #5 (refactoring of the main layout file) and #6 (move to sd-card) issues are solved.
Version 0.1.8: Cleaning code
Cleaned OverlayMediator. Moved strings to /res/values/strings.xml Solved the bug with disappearing OverlayItems. The actual reason was the caching of OverlayMediator object. The instance variable “activity” was the old one, and the getOverlays from the activity’s lusitesMap were old. So it couldn’t work. The solution is to force OverlayMediator to renew its instance variable LUSitesActivity activity each time the static method getInstance is called: public static OverlayMediator getInstance(Context context) { if (singleton == null) { singleton = new OverlayMediator(); } singleton.setActivity((LUSitesActivity) context); return singleton; }
I also have started to use selectors in order to change Markers automatically. This version is not published on Market, but committed on Github.
Version 0.1.7: Refactoring of OverlayMediator
OverlayController is actually more Mediator. It keeps track of current OverlayItem and triggers toggling of marker highlighting. In order to provide clear code the name has been changed to OverlayMediator. The singleton variable now is called singleton. And static method getOverlayController is now getInstance(). Commit details on Github: Version 0.1.7 + Added OverlayMediator