Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Release”
Git Merge develop to main in an Azure DevOps Release
This post is a techy one. It’s about running git commands in Azure DevOps Releases in order to finalize a deployment job to production.
Let me first describe our scenario:
We use Azure DevOps for code and for deployment. Our branch strategy a simplified Gitflow model, where all the current work is merged to the “develop” branch. The code from the “develop” branch is then built and released to staging environments and production. After a release to Production and regression tests the develop branch needs to be merged into the “main” branch (or “master”). So simply put, the git merge into main is what we mean by finalizing a production release.
Azure Key Vault vs. Pipeline Variables
Using Azure Key Vault in a Pipeline is cool, but it is less secure.
The Key Vault setup
Have you tried the Key Vault Step in an Azure DevOps Pipeline? If you haven’t, please follow these awesome guides:
- Azure DevOps Labs. Using secrets from Azure Key Vault in a pipeline
- Tobias Zimmergren. Using Azure Key Vault Secrets in Azure DevOps pipelines
The steps described in these guides are easy, but that effort made me think about the first pair of pros and cons.
Version 0.2.7: Nations added. Ready for release
It is my pleasure to announce that a new version is ready for release. The biggest news are the nations which are now on the map. Other improvements are spelling error corrections. Great thanks to Kigsz. You can read about adding nations to the map on Lusites wiki.