Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Serialize”
Push a copy of Resources to client in javascript
In one of my previous posts I told about pushing a copy of an object into client. Now I’ll try to copy my resource values into client. The problem is often that we must create multiple localization resources: first as resx-file. If we use much ajax and client side rendering, we must provide some localization there, too. If they are different subsets of localization resources, it isn’t a problem. But when you get overlapping, it becomes more difficult to manage and sync them. See how Microsoft Ajax Library provides some strings: What if we just copy the values from resx file into client? If there are not business constraint it can make the development much easier. Let’s try it. For that we need Reflection. We start with changing the access modifiers on resx file to public: Then we must get all static properties of the auto-generated class (ResXFileCodeGenerator):
Push a copy of an object to client
To reduce postbacks and database calls, a copy of the current object(s) can be pushed down to the client in JSON format. Say a webpart renders information about a person, another webpart shows related information which is retrieved dynamically (like web services). Instead of getting the current person from the database in the second webpart again, we can reuse the same person object from the first webpart. To do so we must provide a DataContract for the Person class:
json serializer in Sharepoint
There is a very handy JSON lib for serializing javascript objects. It is hosted on github under douglas crockford. Download json2.js and serialize with JSON.stringify function: EDIT: There is actually this function in core javascript. It exists since javascript 1.7 and ecmascript 5. So you don’t have to add anything to get this functionality:
var t = { name: "dev", city: "new york" };
```There are actually built-in goodies for serializing javascript objects in [ASP.NET]( Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize
var t = { name: “dev”, city: “new york” }; Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(t);