Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Table”
Filtering Azure Table Data directly in the Azure Function Binding
Instead of filtering values from an Azure Storage Table, you can do it directly in the bindings. It might not be a solution for everything, but in the right place, it is fantastic. I was very surprised to see how little code was needed after this binding change:
For that to work, define the filter attribute in the bindings: “filter”: “(PartitionKey eq ‘{package}’)”
To try it out, add a new row in a table defined in the bindings (“metadata” in my case):
Save an excel sheet as a clean table
To save an excel sheet as a html table is very easy. Just select the needed area, then go to Save as and check the selection and choose html as output format. It works fine. It even looks like it did in Excel. But what if you don’t want all this junk, you want only the plain html table (e.g. for pasting into WP). When I saved my permission levels to html, I used this javascript code. First open the html page which Excel has created in Chrome, open the Dev Tools console, load the latest jQuery into the page, and remove all unnecessary attributes and styling, remove the comments, after that you can just copy the outerHTML of the table and paste into a text editor: