Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Timerjob”
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Showing Birthdays and Job Anniversaries in the Newsfeed
In our project we have a requirement to show birthdays and job anniversaries in the Newsfeed. The solution is simple (when you know it) but there has not been any information about it online, until today. I want to share a few lines of PowerShell code to enable Anniversary notifications in the Newsfeed. This desired piece of code was written by my colleague Emma Degerman. Enjoy:
[source language=“PowerShell”] $job = Get-SPTimerJob | ? { $_.TypeName -like “*.UserProfileChangeJob” } $job.GenerateAnniversaries = $true $job.Schedule = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSchedule]::FromString(“hourly between 55 and 55”) $job.Update() [/source]