Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “UI”
Chuvash translation of Wikipedia Mobile
The official Wikipedia mobile app is now translated into Chuvash language and available to use:
What does Chuvash mean?
I am Chuvash. Chuvash is the name of an ethnicity which counts up to 2 milions peoply (mostly in Russia). Chuvashes talk the Chuvash language which is also an official language in Chuvash Republic (besides Russian). Chuvash language is a Turkic language and has a status “Vulnerable” in the UNESCO list of languages in danger. There is a Chuvash Wikipedia
Version 0.2.8: UI improvements
A new version is published. As one can see on the github, this version has some UI improvements: Changed library pins to green: in order not to be confusing with the highlighted pins (the red dotted ones), Updated the Swedish localization strings.
Version 0.1.6: Hide keyboard after search
This version improves User Interface. After search you probably don’t want to see the keyboard which takes half a display. So now it is hiding after search. To do this I used a code provided androidguys: InputMethodManager mgr = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); mgr.hideSoftInputFromWindow(findField.getWindowToken(), 0);
This version is not published at Market. Commit details on Github.