Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “ULS”
Log to ULS using javascript
The more javascript code is produced in SharePoint solutions, the more need we have to log information and possible errors to a central logging place in SharePoint: ULS. This blog post is about logging to ULS from javascript. For a while ago I read a blog post:
The author @avishnyakov mentions the ability log to ULS from javascript. I want to dive deeper. [sourcecode language=“javascript”] ULS.enable = true ULSOnError(“Hello from javascript”, location.href, 0); [/sourcecode] What this function actually does, is that it calls a web service called _vti_bin/diagnostics.asmx
We can follow the function in the init.debug.js [sourcecode language=“javascript”] function ULSOnError(msg, url, line) { return ULSSendExceptionImpl(msg, url, line, ULSOnError.caller); } [/sourcecode] ULSOnError invokes ULSSendExceptionImpl: [sourcecode language=“javascript”] function ULSSendExceptionImpl(msg, url, line, oCaller) { if (Boolean(ULS) && ULS.enable) { ULS.enable = false; window.onerror = ULS.OriginalOnError; ULS.WebServiceNS = “"; try { ULS.message = msg; if (url.indexOf(’?’) != -1) url = url.substr(0, url.indexOf(’?’)); ULS.file = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf(’/’) + 1); ULS.line = line; ULS.teamName = “”; ULS.originalFile = “”; ULS.callStack = ‘\n’ + ULSGetCallstack(oCaller) + ‘’; ULS.clientInfo = ‘\n’ + ULSGetClientInfo() + ‘’; ULSSendReport(true); } catch (e) { } } if (Boolean(ULS) && Boolean(ULS.OriginalOnError)) return ULS.OriginalOnError(msg, url, String(line)); else return false; } [/sourcecode] ULSSendExceptionImpl invokes ULSSendReport: [sourcecode language=“javascript”] function ULSSendReport(async) { ULS.request = new XMLHttpRequest(); ULS.request.onreadystatechange = ULSHandleWebServiceResponse;“POST”, ULSGetWebServiceUrl(), async); ULS.request.setRequestHeader(“Content-Type”, “text/xml; charset=utf-8”); ULS.request.setRequestHeader(“SOAPAction”, ULS.WebServiceNS + “SendClientScriptErrorReport”); ULS.request.send(’’ + ‘<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=“" xmlns:xsd=“" xmlns:soap=“">' + ‘soap:Body’ + ‘’ + ‘’ + ULSEncodeXML(ULS.message) + ‘’ + ‘’ + ULSEncodeXML(ULS.file) + ‘’ + ‘’ + String(ULS.line) + ‘’ + ‘’ + ULSEncodeXML(ULS.callStack) + ‘’ + ‘’ + ULSEncodeXML(ULS.clientInfo) + ‘’ + ‘’ + ULSEncodeXML(ULS.teamName) + ‘’ + ‘’ + ULSEncodeXML(ULS.originalFile) + ‘’ + ‘’ + ‘</soap:Body>’ + ‘</soap:Envelope>’); } [/sourcecode]
A simple Log for ULS
Do an unsafe update in a unified manner « Sharepoint. Kunskap. Upptäckter på resan. - Sep 3, 2011
[…] Log class is my own class which I presented in my previous post. Like this:GillaBli först att gilla denna […]
A simple Log for ULS
Here is a simple log which has been inspired of Android Log. It logs to ULS which you can open with ULSViewer, SharePoint Log Viewer.
using System;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration;
namespace Contoso.Intranet.Portal.Utilities
public class Log
private static readonly string \_CATEGORYNAME = "CONTOSO";
private static readonly SPDiagnosticsCategory \_ERROR\_CATEGORY =
new SPDiagnosticsCategory(\_CATEGORYNAME, TraceSeverity.Unexpected, EventSeverity.Error);
private static readonly SPDiagnosticsCategory \_WARNING\_CATEGORY =
new SPDiagnosticsCategory(\_CATEGORYNAME, TraceSeverity.High, EventSeverity.Warning);
private static readonly SPDiagnosticsCategory \_VERBOSE\_CATEGORY =
new SPDiagnosticsCategory(\_CATEGORYNAME, TraceSeverity.Verbose, EventSeverity.Verbose);
private static readonly SPDiagnosticsCategory \_INFO\_CATEGORY =
new SPDiagnosticsCategory(\_CATEGORYNAME, TraceSeverity.Medium, EventSeverity.Information);
private static void WriteTrace(SPDiagnosticsCategory category, string message, string trace)
SPDiagnosticsService.Local.WriteTrace(0, category, category.DefaultTraceSeverity, message, trace);
public static void Error(Exception ex)
WriteTrace(\_ERROR\_CATEGORY, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
public static void Warning(string message)
WriteTrace(\_WARNING\_CATEGORY, message, "");
public static void Verbose(string message)
WriteTrace(\_VERBOSE\_CATEGORY, message, "");
public static void Info(string message)
WriteTrace(\_INFO\_CATEGORY, message, "");
A possible improvement can be a custom Area. See an example of ThorstenHans on Github: CustomLogger.cs EDIT: I found an interesting article: How to log to the SharePoint ULS Logs: Clean Debugging and Error Logging broken down into steps written by Philip Stathis.