Get coordinates from Google Maps
By Anatoly Mironov
To get longitude and latitude can be tricky at the first time. There are many ways to do this, e.g. Good enough, but not so practical if you want to collect many coordinates. You can’t search after street names, you only can scroll and drag. Another way is to use javascript to show the longitude and latitude. See this example. This works in all web browsers.Just find your object in Google Maps and paste this javascript in URL bar: javascript:void(prompt('',gApplication.getMap().getCenter()));
You’ll be prompted the coordinates values. Just be sure the map is centered on your object. There is a third, even better way. Use javascript, but don’t be annoyed with prompts. In Chromium (or Google Chrome) navigate to find your object, open the Console in DevTools (press Ctrl-Shift-J). Right click on the object → Center the map here In console write: copy ( gApplication.getMap().getCenter().toString() )
So now you can paste it wherever you need it. But the best with it is: you can do whatever you want and need before copying. In LUSites, I save the coordinates another way, first latitude and then longitude. So I can shift values, trim unnecessary stuff and so on. Look at it: var loc = gApplication.getMap().getCenter().toString(); var locTrimmed = loc.replace(/[() ]/gi,""); var locArray = loc.split(","); var newLoc = locArray[1] + "," + locArray[0]; copy (newLoc)
First I get the string of the coordinates. Then I erase the unnecessary stuff: (), blank space. After splitting I shift the longitude and the latitude and create a new string which is copied. Or, we can shorten this: var coordinates = gApplication .getMap() .getCenter() .toString() .replace(/[() ]/gi,"") .split(","); copy (coordinates[1] + "," + coordinates[0]);
The same in one row (to copy-paste): var coordinates = gApplication.getMap().getCenter().toString().replace(/[() ]/gi,"").split(","); copy (coordinates[1] + "," + coordinates[0]);
To avoid to copy this line of code, just press up arrow in the DevTools console.