Parameterize a javascript object and create url
By Anatoly Mironov
If you want to add some parameters to an url which you want to open, you can use jQuery.param function:
var url = "some\_url";
var params = {
name: "Setner",
email: "",
mobile: "123456789"
var search = "?" + $.param(p);
url += search;
```It is handy, indeed. In an environment without jQuery (are there some?:) ) you can just iterate an object and join properties:
var url = “some_url”; var params = { name: “Setner”, email: “”, mobile: “123456789” }; if (url.match("/\?/g") == null) { url += “?”; } else { url += “&”; } var search = “”; for(var p in params) { search += [p, params[p]].join("="); } url += search;
##### SharePoint javascript API
There is [a nice sharepoint javascript api]( "See Wictor Wilén's blog about working with url and SharePoint javascript API") we can use as well. Consider this example:
var u = new SP.Utilities.UrlBuilder(“”); u.addKeyValueQueryString(“id”, “2”); u.addKeyValueQueryString(“time”, new Date().toISOString()); u.get_url(); //“"
## Comments from
[SharePoint e Javascript – Amor ou ódio? | Rodrigo Romano - MVP SharePoint Server]( "") - <time datetime="2014-07-11 14:32:16">Jul 5, 2014</time>
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