Trying out Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu
I am very curious about the new .NET Core, ASP.NET 5, EF 7 and Visual Studio Code for Linux, Mac and Windows. I have tried it out on an Ubuntu 15.04 machine. The installation and configuration required a few steps, so it is not an usual “Next-next-next”-installation. But, hey, it is just a beta, a preview so far, and first of all: It worked. I am sharing a couple of screenshots and the commands I ran in the terminal, mixed with comments and links: [source language=“bash”] #install latest node and npm # curl -sL | sudo bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs sudo npm install -g yo sudo npm install -g generator-aspnet # download VS Code and make a link # make a folder mkdir workspace/tryvs cd workspace/tryvs # create “src/global.json” file: # { “sdk”: { “version”: “1.0.0-beta7” } } nano src/global.json # start VS Code # create # install omnisharp: # curl -sSL | DNX_BRANCH=dev sh && source ~/.dnx/dnvm/ dnvm #install dnx sudo apt-get install -y libunwind8 gettext libssl-dev libcurl3-dev zlib1g libicu-dev dnvm upgrade -r coreclr cd EmptyApplication dnu restore #install libuv # sudo apt-get install make automake libtool curl curl -sSL | sudo tar zxfv - -C /usr/local/src cd /usr/local/src/libuv-1.4.2 sudo sh sudo ./configure sudo make sudo make install sudo rm -rf /usr/local/src/libuv-1.4.2 && cd ~/ sudo ldconfig #build, I got an error here dnu build #start the web server dnx web [/source]
Export Any Web Part using a Bookmarklet
My blog post about exporting any webpart from a SharePoint Page is one of the most read articles on my blog. I use this method a lot. Now what I want to do is to simplify the process. Inspired by my colleague Dan Saedén’s awesome bookmarklet for reading and updating web properties, I decided to make my own bookmarklet. That was easy. Now we can export any web part from any SharePoint page without even looking at any ids in the html markup and assembling the export url manually. Just add the bookmarklet or run the javascript code in the browser console. The code (js and bookmarklet) is on Github. Here is an animated gif that explains how to use it:
Add Search Verticals by code
Adding own search verticals is a common task in the Search Configuration in SharePoint. Here I want to share a code sample for achieving this programmatically. I hope, this model can be added to SPMeta2. First of all, Search Verticals are dedicated Search Results Pages and links to them. How to add them manually is described on technet:
There is no API in CSOM for that. Luckily, Mikael Svenson found how to get the Search Navigation and contributed to PnP by writing an Extension: web.LoadSearchNavigation. Here is my sample code for adding new Search Verticals programmatically: [source language=“csharp”] NavigationNode searchNav = context.Web.Navigation.GetNodeById(1040); NavigationNodeCollection nodeCollection = searchNav.Children; NavigationNodeCreationInformation everything = new NavigationNodeCreationInformation { Title = “Everyting”, Url = “/search/Pages/results.aspx”, }; NavigationNodeCreationInformation myresults = new NavigationNodeCreationInformation { Title = “My Results”, Url = “/search/Pages/myresults.aspx”, }; nodeCollection.Add(everything); nodeCollection.Add(myresults); context.ExecuteQuery(); [/source]
What is a SharePoint application
[caption id=“attachment_3759” align=“alignnone” width=“660”] A meaningful collection of Lego bricks is a toy. A meaningful collection of Lists, Fields, Files and other SharePoint artefacts becomes a SharePoint Application. Private picture.[/caption] App, Add-In, List, Web, Site, Sandbox solution, Workflow. There are too many words flying around in SharePoint that confuse users and Non-SharePoint-Developers. I want to introduce a “new” concept that is so simple and that a company can understand and govern: a SharePoint Application. That is so simple. It can be called a tool, a functionality. That can be a SharePoint list, a document library with a workflow, or a document library with custom jslink. All they can be SharePoint Applications. Let’s use lego as a metaphor. Have you seen this? [caption id=“attachment_3760” align=“alignnone” width=“660”] The same toy car in just brics. SharePoint Artefacts like Webs, Lists, Fields, Content Types, JSLink etc are just lego bricks. Private picture.[/caption] These lego bricks together become a cool toy that you can play with (as you can see in the picture above). So it is with SharePoint Applications, too. SharePoint Applications solve actual business needs. A List, or a JSLink by themselves do not solve a business need. It must be a meaningful collection of SharePoint Artefacts that becomes a SharePoint Application. Example Does the lego metaphor make sense to you? To go back to SharePoint, I’ll give you an example of a SharePoint Application. I would say everybody has done such Applications. In a project we created a document library for product icons that were used for all products in a company. Easy? Yes. But the icons had several states (active, inactive…). Versioning and Approval was required. A workflow for new requests and submits was implemented, too, permissions for different roles, metadata navigation in the document library and so on. Sure, SharePoint provided us with great “lego bricks”. But we created a tool, a functionality - a SharePoint Application, that makes sense to our business. What’s new then? Well, we all have done such applications. The new is to understand SharePoint Applications as an own alternative and quality assurance. See more below. Another example is an “App” for SharePoint Online that I converted into a SharePoint Application by adjusting it for SPO and OnPrem. That’s when I came up with the idea of the SharePoint Application. Definition
Http to Https Redirect in Provider Hosted Apps
It is strongly recommended to use https in SharePoint Provider Hosted Apps. In many provider hosted apps I have seen, only https works. I would recommend to configure a simple http to https redirect in IIS and make solutions better. Many Provider Hosted Apps can be done in that way that they are available without SharePoint Context, e.g. for browsing information. In that case that is important to have an easy url and an automatic http -> https redirect. In this post I’ll give a short manual for doing that. I would recommend this step for all provider hosted apps. 1. In the Provider Hosted Apps Server install the URL Rewrite IIS Module using Web Platform Installer: 2. Next step is to add the http binding to your solution (this is needed for the future redirect): Then you can configure the automatic http to https redirect using the GUI or the web.config update. My instructions originally come from blog. I suggest updating the web.config file directly in the Provider Hosted App: 3. Add this section to the web.config file: [source language=“xml”] <system.webServer> </system.webServer> [/source] It is important to know that his web.config section will cause failure on the server if URL Rewrite module is not installed. Summary These steps are very easy to accomplish and I recommend it for every Provider Hosted App, especially those ones that are accessible without going through SharePoint (Web Content -> Apps). This also reflects the configurations in Azure Apps (WebSites).
Kom igång med SPMeta2
SPMeta2 (eller bara M2) är ett relativt nytt ramverk för provisionering av SharePoint-artefakter. Bakom ramverket ligger ett gediget arbete. I den här posten vill jag skriva upp mina steg för att sätta upp ett litet projekt. För mig är SPMeta2 nytt och huvudprincipen i den här bloggposten att få en fungerande lösning så snabbt som möjligt. Informationen här kan snabbt bli inaktuell, eftersom SPMeta2 förändras och förbättras väldigt snabbt. Vad är SPMeta2 SPMeta är ett ramverk för att provisionera SharePoint-artefakter, allt från fält, innehållstyper, listor, dokumentbibliotek, user custom actions, ladda upp filer med mera. Klassiskt har vi gjort provisionering med hjälp av XML-baserade moduler och features. SPMeta2 erbjuder ett Fluent API som är kodbaserat. Med hjälp av SPMeta2 definierar man en modell (enkla objekt POCOs) som inte har beroendet till SharePoint. Modellen används sedan av Provision-delen som anropar modellen för specifika versioner: SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010, Office 365 med mera. Man kan välja CSOM och SSOM. Provision är också flexibel vad som gäller paketering: det kan vara en konsolapplikation, en SharePoint-app, ett wsp-paket, en PowerShell-modul. Se följande länkar:
Method "GetList" does not exist
I troubleshooted a piece of CSOM code in SharePoint 2013. I got the following error:
Method “GetList” does not exist
The reason was that the method GetList was not imlemented until March 2015 CU (15.0.4701.1001), and the SharePoint farm I had was SharePoint 2013 SP1 (15.0.4569.1000). So the solution is to install the Cumulative Update or use web.Lists.GetByTitle. GetByTitle has one aweful shortcoming: it doesn’t work in multilingual environments. So I have recommended to install the March 2015 CU.
Tillgänglighet i SharePoint
From 1 januari 2015 är bristande tillgänglighet inkluderad i svenska diskrimineringslagen. Detta krav på tillgängligt webbinnehåll ställer högre krav på SharePoint-baserade webbplatser i offentliga sektorn (och helst i alla webbplatser). Regler och riktlinjer för tillgänglighet på webben är definierade av W3C i ett dokument som heter: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 vilket finns i en auktoriserad översättning på svenska: Riktlinjer för tillgängligt webbinnehåll (WCAG) 2.0. (Gjort av Funka)
Hur ska vi tänka om Tillgänglighet i SharePoint
Som vilket webbaserat system som helst bör man i SharePointlösningar tänka på tillgänglighet i alla faser av projektet. Liksom säkerhet och prestanda, finns Tillgänglighet med både i Design- och arkiktekturfasen, i utvecklingen, i lanseringen och utbildingen samt i förvaltningen av ett system. Det ska finnas med Governance-modellen. SharePoint är såklart inte ett vanligt webbsystem, utan det är ett stort metasystem. Vi kan dela in det i tre lager för att kunna hantera problem som kan uppstå: [caption id=“attachment_3709” align=“alignnone” width=“454”] ”Sköldpaddor hela vägen ner”: Tre lager av SharePoint som påverkar tillgänglighet: Platform, Egna Lösningar och Använarinnehåll[/caption]
Onpremifying SharePoint apps
We want to make an app available in SharePoint OnPrem, we want to onpremify it. Rethink SharePoint apps and provisioning SharePoint artifacts. It has been a while since I updated my blog – I had my vacation, I visited the sunny and green Chuvashia. Now I am back and I am looking forward to an awesome SharePoint Autumn. One of the first things I had to deal with in this SharePoint Autumn was Onpremifying of a SharePoint Online App. We have an app that has gained popularity and we want to make it available for SharePoint OnPrem. There is no such word Onpremify (yet?), I know, it is a Swenglish happy word making (onpremifiera), but I like the word “onpremify” a lot. There is still uncertainty around the purpose of SharePoint apps. One app type, though, has been used a lot in our company: an app that provisions SharePoint Artifacts – that creates SharePoint Applications. What I mean by SharePoint Applications can be read in my blog post:
Androidapp som pratar med SharePoint
Idag har vi kompetensdag på Bool: #booldevday. I min grupp ska vi utveckla en mobilapp för Android. Vi har hittat på ett följande case: Case Ett fiktivt företag Takana är oberoende bostadsinspektörer. De inspekterar bostäder när någon flyttar ut… Varje inspektion är kopplad till en bostadsadress. Den stämplas med dagens datum och inloggade användaren (från Azure AD). En inspektion innehåller en bedömning (kommentar) och kan innehålla anmärkningar. Varje anmärkning har en beskrivning och en bild (ej obligatoriskt). En anmärkning kräver en åtgärd. En inspektion utan anmärkningar innebär en godkänd överlämning och behöver inga åtgärder. En inspektion godkänns av administratörer i SharePoint Online i desktop-versionen. Takana använder SharePoint Online. Det finns en dedikerad site för inspektioner och en lista just för inspektioner och en lista för anmärkningar. Anställda har androidtelefoner. Det är inte sällan man har inte tillgång till nätet på byggarbetsplatser. Det är ett krav att det ska fungera offline och synkroniseras när man får uppkoppling med mobilt internet. Vårt team Vi är passionerade med att jobba med SharePoint och SharePoint Online, men vi är nya i mobilapputveckling. Det blir skoj att testa SharePoint APIer i Androidprojekt. I mitt team ingår Dan Saedén ( och Mattias R. Våra verktyg Vi använder Android Studio, en Nexus 9 för att debugga och Github for Windows Statusuppdateringar Vi uppdaterar om status i vår grupp på Yammer och Twitter med hashtaggen #booldevday02 (vår grupp) och #booldevday (vår komptetensdag). Den här bloggposten kommer också med största sannolikhet uppdateras under dagen. Fakta och endpoints Vår repo på Github ligger under SharePoint Online-instansen är under Länkar Office365 SDK Android Start SDK for Android SharePoint ListClient in Office365 SDK for Android DevCamp Android Set up Android for working with List Items