Svenska i Office 365 Admin
Svenskt gränssnitt i Office 365 är inte självklart. Här är en lista på översättningar som jag stött på som går att härleda, men som inte är helt etablerade i svenskan.
- Compliance - efterlevnad
- Policy - princip
- Retention - kvarhållning
My list of _layouts pages
There are many resources on the internet that list _layouts/15 urls in SharePoint. Some are outdated, some are too short, some are to long. Here is my list of the urls, that I am going to update when I need. All the urls start with [Your-Tenant][Your-Site]/_layouts/15/ Here we go:
- viewlsts.aspx - Site Contents, Modern View
- viewlsts.aspx?view=14 - Site Contents, Classic View
- appinv.aspx - Grant Permissions to an App
- appregnew.aspx - Register a new SharePoint Application
- appprincipals.aspx - List Registered Add-Ins
- CreateGroup.aspx - Create Site page (Team and Communication)
- TA_AllAppPrincipals.aspx - List all app principals
SPFx Samples
Here is my list of repositories that provide examples of SPFx solutions.
- SharePoint/sp-dev-fx-webparts is a comprehensive collection of webparts and tutorials
- Puzzlepart/spfx-solutions is an intresting collection of spfx solutions, shared by Mikael Svenson.
- To be continued.
SwiftKey from the Chuvash point of view
SwiftKey is a keyboard app for iOS and Android, it adds a new virtual keyboard and it provides the Chuvash one among others. Here is my review of Swiftkey from the perspective of a person who writes in Chuvash on the mobile.
Positive things
- The fact that it has the Chuvash keyboard map is awesome. There is no official Chuvash keyboard in iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows (well you can add Chuvash, but you won’t get the Chuvash letters). Only Linux has the built-in Chuvash keyboard.
- It has a built-in Chuvash dictionary, so that can provide suggestions. It also can learn from your typing. Although there is an issue with the suggestions, see below.
- The Chuvash characters with diacritics are right: Unicode and Cyrillic, not their look-alikes from the Latin set. It is important: if people use the same characters, they can find more on Google.
Negative things
Actually I don’t want to call it negative things, many of them are just missing features. I hope with that review I can get in contact with the Swiftkey team and improve the app.
Ett litet projekt, ett experiment som jag håller på under min föräldralediga tid: Barnvagssolpanel. Jag har en liten solpanel på 10W som jag fäster på barnvagnen. Med den laddar jag mina batteripack, och med dem min mobil. Jag vill mäta hur mycket energi jag kan samla in under sommaren
Solpanel på 10W av märket Exibel köpt på Clas Ohlson. Den ska ge upp till 1,5A i direkt ljus. USB-doktorn. No-brand-produkt. Den visar spänning, ström, tid och kapacitet. USB-anslutningen är lite lös och kan glappa ibland. Den i sig förbrukar lite ström. Av någon anledning backar den flera mAh tillbaka efter man nått 3000 mAh varje gång man ansluter sladden igen. En svart powerbank från Clas Ohlson på 2600mAh = 9,62Wh. Blir laddad så fort solen skiner. I direkt solljus blir det 4,92v x 0,82A = 4W. En silverfärgad powerbank från Clas Ohlson på 3350mAh = 12,1Wh. Den fungerar mycket sämre, ofta laddar den inte alls, trots att den funkar från eluttaget. I skiftande strömförhållanden lägger den av. Är det på grund av någon elektronisk skyddspärr?
My PowerShell Profile
It has been a while I last worked with PowerShell. I had my custom profile where I had my own prompt and some other customizations. Now I cannot find it anymore. I’ll start with the new one and I am saving it on my blog, so it will be easier to find in future: [code language=“powershell”] Function Prompt { $PromptData=“PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$(’>’ * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) " $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle=$PromptData +’-’+(Get-Date).tostring() # .Link# # .ExternalHelp System.Management.Automation.dll-help.xml } [/code] The prompt function comes from the scripting guy blog. To customize your profile, just open it in a text editor (in my case: code) [code language=“powershell”] code $profile [/code] Update 2018-04-10 You can also include these lines: [code language=“powershell”] $path1 = “C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\” $path2 = “15” Add-Type -Path “$path1\$path2\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll” Add-Type -Path “$path1\$path2\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll” [/code] VS Code Now we can run VS Code to create ps1 scripts and run selections as we did it in PowerShell ISE.
Update Field.JSLink using JSOM or REST
Today I have just a little code snippet to share. This code snippet shows how to update the JSLink property for an existing field using JSOM and REST. For REST I use sharepoint-utilities. [code language=“javascript”] var updateJsLinkCsom = function(config) { var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current(); var web = ctx.get_web(); var lists = web.get_lists(); var list = lists.getByTitle(config.listTitle) var fields = list.get_fields(); var field = fields.getByInternalNameOrTitle(config.fieldTitle) field.set_jsLink(config.jsLink) field.update() ctx.executeQueryAsync() }; var updateJsLinkRest = function(config) { SP.SOD.registerSod(‘sputils.js’, ‘/sputils.min.js’) SP.SOD.executeFunc(‘sputils.js’, ‘’, function() { var url = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + ‘/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(\’’ + config.listTitle + ‘\’)/fields/getbyinternalnameortitle(\’’+ config.fieldTitle + ‘\’)’; var payload = {’__metadata’: {’type’: ‘SP.Field’}, ‘JSLink’: config.jsLink}; var config = {‘headers’ : {‘X-HTTP-Method’: ‘MERGE’ }};, payload, config); }); }; var config = { listTitle: ‘’, fieldTitle: ‘’, jsLink: ‘~site/’ }; updateJsLinkCsom(config); updateJsLinkRest(config); [/code] A couple of notes, to update a field we need:
Trigger SP2010 Workflows using JSOM
Today I found out how to start workflows in JSOM (JavaScript Object Model in SharePoint). Nothing special, but since it is not documented, it took me a while to find a solution. Here is the code which I want to keep as simple as possible. What you need to start a SP2010 Workflow for a list item or a document in JSOM, you need to load SP.WorkflowServices.js and you need to create the manager and get the service, then you can trigger a workflow using the workflow name, the list guid and the guid of the list item: [code language=“javascript”] var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current(); var workflowServicesManager = SP.WorkflowServices.WorkflowServicesManager.newObject(ctx, ctx.get_web()); var service = workflowServicesManager.getWorkflowInteropService(); service.startWorkflow(workflowName, null, listGuid, plainItem.guid, initiationParams); [/code] Here is the code to trigger a workflow for multiple items: [code language=“javascript”] //fire the workflows function fire2010WorkflowForListItems(ctx, listGuid, plainItems) { var workflowServicesManager = SP.WorkflowServices.WorkflowServicesManager.newObject(ctx, ctx.get_web()); var service = workflowServicesManager.getWorkflowInteropService(); for(var i = 0; i < plainItems.length; i++) { var plainItem = plainItems[i]; console.log(‘scheduling workflow for id: ‘,; service.startWorkflow(options.workflowName, null, listGuid, plainItem.guid, options.initiationParams); } console.log(’now executing…’); ctx.executeQueryAsync(function() {‘yes, workflows completed for ’ + items.length + ’ items’); }, function() { console.error(‘it didnt go well’); }); } [/code] The code above is inspired from this gist and sharepoint stackexchange. It is a simplified version that only works for list item workflows and SharePoint 2010 workflows. Here is an example how you can get multiple items and batch start a workflow: [code language=“javascript”] //just a couple of variables var options = { workflowName: ‘Behörigheter’, listName: ‘Documents’, initiationParams: {} }; //load list items function startWorfklows() { //Start 2010 Workflow for a List Item var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current(); var web = ctx.get_web(); var lists = web.get_lists(); var list = lists.getByTitle(options.listName); ctx.load(list); var items = list.getItems(new SP.CamlQuery()); ctx.load(items); ctx.executeQueryAsync(function() { var listGuid = list.get_id() + ‘’; var en = items.getEnumerator(); var plainItems = []; while (en.moveNext()) { var it = en.get_current(); //do not take checked out files, it won’t work if (!it.get_item(‘CheckoutUser’)) { plainItems.push({id: it.get_id(), guid: it.get_item(‘GUID’) + ’’ }); } } fire2010WorkflowForListItems(ctx, listGuid, plainItems); }, function() { alert(‘boom’); }); } //Load Worfklow Js dependency var wfScript = ‘SP.WorkflowServices.js’ SP.SOD.registerSod(wfScript, _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + ‘/_layouts/15/SP.WorkflowServices.js’); SP.SOD.executeFunc(wfScript, ‘’, startWorfklows); [/code]
Create and download a file in javascript
Phew, I spent a lot of time to get this to work:
- Create a text based file in javascript - a simple csv or txt
- Download a file in Chrome and Internet Explorer
- Make Excel understand Unicode characters (å ä ö and many more) in csv directly.
I found many solutions on the Internet that I used to find out a solution that works for me A deep diving jsfiddle about unicode encodings, bom, line endings: (unfortunately, does not work in IE). There I learned one important thing: we need a BOM in order to make Excel understand that it is not just ASCII. The BOM (byte order mark) for utf-8 is %ef%bb%bf for utf-8. Without this bom you’ll see the right characters in a text editor (except Notepad of course), but if you open the csv file directly in Excel, you’ll see wrong letters. Other good resources are FileSaver.js: and download.js: and a discussion on that github repository issue: This is my solution that is tested in Chrome and IE10: [code language=“javascript”] function downloadContent(options) { if (!options || !options.content) { throw ‘You have at least to provide content to download’; } options.filename = options.filename || ’tolle.txt’; options.type = options.type || ’text/plain;charset=utf-8’; = || decodeURIComponent(’%ef%bb%bf’); if (window.navigator.msSaveBlob) { var blob = new Blob([ + options.content], {type: options.type }); window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, options.filename); } else { var link = document.createElement(‘a’); var content = + options.content; var uriScheme = [‘data:’, options.type, ‘,’].join(’’); link.href = uriScheme + content; = options.filename; //FF requires the link in actual DOM document.body.appendChild(link);; document.body.removeChild(link); } } //test var separator = ‘;’; downloadContent({ type: ’text/csv;charset=utf-8’, filename: ’tolle.csv’, content: [‘ASCII’, separator, ‘Åbäcka sig’, separator, ’to się podoba: żźćąęłć’, separator, ‘Яшлӑхӑма туйаймарӑм’].join(’’) }); [/code]
Minimal Download Strategy. Simple
There are many correct ways (1, 2, 3, 4, 5…) of making scripts work with the Minimal Download Strategy Feature (MDS) in SharePoint 2013 and 2016. But to be honest - every time I need it, I get confused. So now it is time to find a simple solution for that. Who is better at it than the developers of the SharePoint themselves? Look at the MDS code in the built-in Display Templates: Let’s keep it as simple as Item_Default.js, let’s take it as it is and create our own scripts. Here is a skeletton of and MDS-ready script: [code language=“javascript”] function runMyCode() { var time = new Date().toISOString(); console.log(‘runMyCode’, time ); } runMyCode(); if (typeof(RegisterModuleInit) == ‘function’) { var scriptUrl = ‘/Style Library/runMyCode.js’; RegisterModuleInit(scriptUrl, runMyCode); } [/code] Which boils down to this in pseudocode: