Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “database”
Run web.config-dependant code in PowerShell
PowerShell is a great tool. It helps in SharePoint administration and tasks automation. Today I needed to provision a webpart on many similar pages. This third-party webpart’s constructor instantiates a dataaccess service and uses a connectionstring which is stored in the web.config file. So the webpart creation failed until I found a way to load the configuration into powershell. First you can create a simple file powershell.exe.config, put it into $pshome (C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.
Settings in Sharepoint_config database instead of appSettings
An alternative to store key-value paired properties in appSettings in web.config we can use Sharepoint_config database by creating our own SPPersistedObject. First we have to create a class which inherits from SPPersistedObject and decorate its properties with [Persisted]:
namespace Takana.SharePoint { public class Settings: SPPersistedObject { \[Persisted\] public string DbConString; public LinkCheckerPersistedSettings() { } public LinkCheckerPersistedSettings(string name, SPPersistedObject parent) : base(name, parent) { } } } ```Then we must create such an object.
Shrink sharepoint database
A Sharepoint Database can become big and have unused spaces. To shrink database go to CA-> Health Analyzer: http://takana:1337/Lists/HealthReports/AllItems.aspx See if there is a list item about unused space in db under the Availability. Click on Repair Automatically in the opened Modal Dialog:
MongoDB shell, learn directly in browser
Are you also curious about NoSQL databases. Well, MongoDB is one of the most known ones. MongoDB has a javascript syntax (json), I like it. Try out the interactive shell at the mongodb site. Quickstart on Ubuntu To test it on Ubuntu, just install an existing apt-package:
sudo apt-get install mongodb Create the default folder and change permissions:
sudo mkdir -p /data/db/ sudo chown \`id -u\` /data/db ```Then jump directly into mongo db shell: mongo
Återskapa koppling till login i DB efter restore
Om du har kört restore på en databas, så kan det hända att det inte går att ändra rättigheter, och den login du använt inte kan se databasen. SQL Server spottar ut felmeddelandet med kod 15023:
The database is not accessible. (Object Explorer)
Om det är WebService som i sin tur anropar databasen, kan det komma ett sådant felmeddelande:
The underlying provider failed on Open.
Lösningen är att uppdatera kopplingen. Hämtat från denna blog.