Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “datetime”
Chuvash localization of moment.js
For three months ago I added Chuvash localization of moment.js. For 16 days ago moment.js 1.7.0 was officially released which included the Chuvash translation.
Wait a sec… What is moment.js? moment.js is the best datetime tool for javascript. It supports many languages (now even Chuvash) for displaying date and time. Another very handy functionality is showing relative time which has a simple interface: fromNow(). Here is a simple example from a web browser console:
jQuery UI Datepicker
As an alternative to asp:Calendar we can use the fancy jQuery UI Datepicker:
$(document).ready(function () { $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional\["sv"\]); $("#").datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, yearRange: "-120:+0" }); }); ```I found this a much simple and best solution for an [birthdate input]( We can set [international options](, [year range](, [year]( and [month navigation]( Other options I have tried are asp:Calendar, ajaxtoolkit:CalendarExtender and DateJs. jQuery UI is the most simple much more than datepicker and works smoothily with SharePoint.
Visa i hur länge sedan något hänt
Säg du vill visa när något har skapats. Att visa datum funkar. Ännu bättre är att visa det i stil: “För tre dagar sedan” eller så. Det finns en bra metod i SPUtility:
SPUtility.TimeDeltaAsString(Published, DateTime.Now);