Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Script”
How to Read SharePoint Storage Capacity with Graph
Smarter way of loading SharePoint CSOM dll in PowerShell
Have you also got a legacy powershell script that loads SharePoint dlls and runs CSOM code directly? It’s quite easy to convert to PnP PowerShell. But if you run out of time and just need to execute the script, then I have a quick tip for you.
First of all, a CSOM script can be recognized by Add-Type commands (or Import-Module) plus the SharePoint dll paths.
Loading the dll the old way.
A cost effective way of running legacy scripts in the cloud
Have you also got some old huge scripts that run on a server locally? Have you also considered moving them to the cloud? Here comes an idea of how to do it quickly and easy.
In my case I have some older powershell scripts that are harder to convert to serverless applications:
- They use MSOnline module in PowerShell, hence they require rewriting to AzureAD before using them in an Azure Function
- They take around 15 minutes to complete, Azure Functions Consumption Plan is limited to 10 minutes. Of course I can split them in several parts, but I am looking for an easy way right now, I have to postpone refactoring because I am not sure if there is a real need for this script solution.
- They process a lot of data and consume more that 400 MB memory which makes it crash when I put it in a Azure Automation Runbook.
Well, maybe a Windows Server VM in Azure is the only way? While recently setting up a minecraft server and following a blog post that proposes auto shutdown and logic apps to start the server, I came up with an idea to use exactly the same approach to make it as cost effective as possible.
Is Custom Script Dangerous
Allowing custom script has its security implications. But what exactly does it mean? Is it dangerous? My colleauge Daniel and me have done a little experiment. There are two implications stated on MS Docs:
- Scripts have access to everything the user has access to.
- Scripts can access content across several Office 365 services and even beyond with Microsoft Graph integration.
To summarize, we can look at that picture:
So the risk that user 1 (the Blue User) intentionally or unintentionally places a script and lets user 2 (the Red User) run this script by linking to the page that has this script. The page must be in a “common” place.
JavaScript Localization in SharePoint
Yesterday Waldek Mastykarz published a cool post: Globalizing JavaScript in SharePoint 2013. This is a very cool technique to localize your client code in javascript and reuse your resx files in Server Side and Client Side. This is actually not new for SharePoint 2013 despite it has become more needed with the huge client focus in the new SharePoint. I have used this in SharePoint 2010 for a long time. In my blog post: ScriptResx.ashx in SharePoint I told about that technique. What I didn’t know that you can define your javascript namespace directly in the resx file. Waldek wrote in his comment that SP.Publishing.Resources.en-US.resx automatically are SP.Publishing.Resources in javascript. That was not the case for my own localization files. A simple look at SP.Publishing.Resources.en-US.resx helped: [sourcecode language=“xml”] true SP.Publishing.Resources [/sourcecode] This results in: [sourcecode language=“javascript”] _EnsureJSNamespace(‘SP.Publishing’); [/sourcecode] So what we have to do for our custom resx file is to add classFullName resheader: [sourcecode language=“xml”] Takana.Res [/sourcecode]
PowerShell: Copy an entire document library from SharePoint 2007 to disk
For a while ago I needed to copy all files from a document library within a SharePoint 2007 site to the hard drive. So I didn’t need to copy files from SharePoint to SharePoint so I couldn’t use the stsadm -o export command or Chris O’Brien’s nice SharePoint Content Deployment Wizard. I came across the SPIEFolder application which should work with SharePoint 2007 and 2010. It has a site on codeplex:, but neither the binary nor the source code can be downloaded from there. After some searching I found the binary in the author’s skydrive. The fact that the source code was not available seemed as an disanvantage because I could not know what code was run. Nevertheless I tried it out and it didn’t work:
defaultvärde på parametern i powershellfunktioner
Läser ett intressant inlägg om deployskript i powershell. Har upptäckt att man kan stoppa in ett defaultvärde i funktionens parameter. Så i stället för
function hello($name) {
Write-Host $name
Kan man köra:
function hello($name = "Gregor") {
Write-Host $name
```Mycket smidigt.
PowerShell är ett sätt att manipulera data och struktur i SharePoint-portalen. Samma uppgifter låter göras med konsoll-applikationer. Fördelen med PowerShell är att man kan skapa skript som är flexibla och kan köras med olika parametrar. PowerShell påminner starkt om shell-skript i Linux. För mig som egentligen kommer snarare från bash-världen. Där har Microsoft låtit sig inspireras starkt :). Det finns en bok om PowerShell, skriven av svenskar, som låter intressant. Man behöver inte heller uppfinna hjul på nytt: det finns färdiga skripts som man direkt. Bara man skriver rätt parametrar. Här är ett ställe där man kan hitta skripts. Det finns många sidor som förklarar hur man skriver skript.