Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Sharepoint Online”
Automatically detect new sites in SharePoint Online
Original image by William Warby.
Sites in SharePoint are created all the time, not only for SharePoint, but also as storage for Yammer, Teams, Planner and other services in Microsoft 365. There are ways to keep track of them, but the ability to automatically detect a new site creation is quite appealing. Automatic detection means a trigger of a Power Automate (Flow) or a Logic App.
There are a few blog posts that exactly describe how you can detect when a new site is created in SharePoint Online:
Is an M365 Group a Yammer Community
Nowadays a Yammer Community gets a corresponding Microsoft 365 Group (Office 365 Group, Unified Group). In your work as an SPO Admin, you might need to differentiate “ordinary” Modern Team Sites from those ones that were created for a Yammer Community.
They both have GROUP#0 as Template. On the actual SPO Site object, there is nothing that you can use to differentiate those. Neither you can use the Office 365 Group information. But there is a way: if you connect to Exchange Online and get the group from there, then there is something useful.
Estimated Completion in Write-Progress in PowerShell
Have you also got many sites in your tenant? Write-Progress is the bare minimum in a script that goes through all sites. But there is also another nice way to make easier to see the progress - estimated completion time.
Although the idea comes from another blog post (My life is a message), I thought it could be worth sharing it again, especially in the cloud context.
Here is a bit simplified scenario: Getting information for every site. The status message in Write-Progress contains also the estimated completion time.
Kalendern i SharePoint
Dags för ett svenskt inlägg igen. Idag vill jag titta på kalenderfunktionaliteten i SharePoint Online.
Fortfarande gammalt (classic) utseende
Tyvärr är det gammalt utseende som gäller och det finns inga planer från Microsoft att modernisera kalendern:
Jag förstår att det är väldigt mycket kod för att få till kalendervyn och att det inte är så lätt omvandla till ett modernt utseende, men det ställer till eftersom det upplevs som gammalt och inte användarvänligt ute i verksamheten.
Renaming site urls
I saw a demo of it on the European SharePoint Conference in Copenhagen in 2018. Sebastian Fouillade, who showed this, compared this big change with brain surgery. All the urls, all the connections. But now it is possible. Today I have seen it even in my standard release tenant.
It is really appreciated. Soon it will be possible to rename misspelled sites, like “devlepment” to “development” etc.
To rename you need to go the SharePoint Admin, find your site among Active sites and click on “Edit” in the site url area.
The CDN concept in SharePoint
How many instances of jquery are there in your SharePoint farm? [sourcecode language=“powershell”] Get-SPWebApplication http://dev ` | Select -Expand Sites ` | Select -Expand AllWebs ` | Select -Expand Lists ` | Select -Expand Items ` | ? { $_.Url -match “jquery.*.js” } ` | select Name, Url [/sourcecode] Have you more than two (jquery and jquery-ui), then you have too much. You can save much place and performance by using Content Delivery Network (CDN) links for the resources like javascript, css, fonts and icons. Consider those Content Delivery Networks: