Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Sharepoint2013”
My first Office Add-In
Yesterday I participated in the Hackathon at European SharePoin Conference in Stockholm. The main goal was to learn more about Office Add-Ins. I wanted to create a very very simple app to learn the basics. Here in this post I’ll provide some links and describe the steps needed to start developing your Office Add-Ins. The Add-in I created is an Outlook Add-In, it is called “Joke Inserter” and with it you can insert a random Chuck Norris joke. It is just for fun, but it demonstrated how an add-in can be installed, made available in “New E-mail” and interact with the e-mail you are writing.
Export Any Web Part using a Bookmarklet
My blog post about exporting any webpart from a SharePoint Page is one of the most read articles on my blog. I use this method a lot. Now what I want to do is to simplify the process. Inspired by my colleague Dan Saedén’s awesome bookmarklet for reading and updating web properties, I decided to make my own bookmarklet. That was easy. Now we can export any web part from any SharePoint page without even looking at any ids in the html markup and assembling the export url manually. Just add the bookmarklet or run the javascript code in the browser console. The code (js and bookmarklet) is on Github. Here is an animated gif that explains how to use it:
Add Search Verticals by code
Adding own search verticals is a common task in the Search Configuration in SharePoint. Here I want to share a code sample for achieving this programmatically. I hope, this model can be added to SPMeta2. First of all, Search Verticals are dedicated Search Results Pages and links to them. How to add them manually is described on technet:
There is no API in CSOM for that. Luckily, Mikael Svenson found how to get the Search Navigation and contributed to PnP by writing an Extension: web.LoadSearchNavigation. Here is my sample code for adding new Search Verticals programmatically: [source language=“csharp”] NavigationNode searchNav = context.Web.Navigation.GetNodeById(1040); NavigationNodeCollection nodeCollection = searchNav.Children; NavigationNodeCreationInformation everything = new NavigationNodeCreationInformation { Title = “Everyting”, Url = “/search/Pages/results.aspx”, }; NavigationNodeCreationInformation myresults = new NavigationNodeCreationInformation { Title = “My Results”, Url = “/search/Pages/myresults.aspx”, }; nodeCollection.Add(everything); nodeCollection.Add(myresults); context.ExecuteQuery(); [/source]
What is a SharePoint application
[caption id=“attachment_3759” align=“alignnone” width=“660”] A meaningful collection of Lego bricks is a toy. A meaningful collection of Lists, Fields, Files and other SharePoint artefacts becomes a SharePoint Application. Private picture.[/caption] App, Add-In, List, Web, Site, Sandbox solution, Workflow. There are too many words flying around in SharePoint that confuse users and Non-SharePoint-Developers. I want to introduce a “new” concept that is so simple and that a company can understand and govern: a SharePoint Application. That is so simple. It can be called a tool, a functionality. That can be a SharePoint list, a document library with a workflow, or a document library with custom jslink. All they can be SharePoint Applications. Let’s use lego as a metaphor. Have you seen this? [caption id=“attachment_3760” align=“alignnone” width=“660”] The same toy car in just brics. SharePoint Artefacts like Webs, Lists, Fields, Content Types, JSLink etc are just lego bricks. Private picture.[/caption] These lego bricks together become a cool toy that you can play with (as you can see in the picture above). So it is with SharePoint Applications, too. SharePoint Applications solve actual business needs. A List, or a JSLink by themselves do not solve a business need. It must be a meaningful collection of SharePoint Artefacts that becomes a SharePoint Application. Example Does the lego metaphor make sense to you? To go back to SharePoint, I’ll give you an example of a SharePoint Application. I would say everybody has done such Applications. In a project we created a document library for product icons that were used for all products in a company. Easy? Yes. But the icons had several states (active, inactive…). Versioning and Approval was required. A workflow for new requests and submits was implemented, too, permissions for different roles, metadata navigation in the document library and so on. Sure, SharePoint provided us with great “lego bricks”. But we created a tool, a functionality - a SharePoint Application, that makes sense to our business. What’s new then? Well, we all have done such applications. The new is to understand SharePoint Applications as an own alternative and quality assurance. See more below. Another example is an “App” for SharePoint Online that I converted into a SharePoint Application by adjusting it for SPO and OnPrem. That’s when I came up with the idea of the SharePoint Application. Definition
Http to Https Redirect in Provider Hosted Apps
It is strongly recommended to use https in SharePoint Provider Hosted Apps. In many provider hosted apps I have seen, only https works. I would recommend to configure a simple http to https redirect in IIS and make solutions better. Many Provider Hosted Apps can be done in that way that they are available without SharePoint Context, e.g. for browsing information. In that case that is important to have an easy url and an automatic http -> https redirect. In this post I’ll give a short manual for doing that. I would recommend this step for all provider hosted apps. 1. In the Provider Hosted Apps Server install the URL Rewrite IIS Module using Web Platform Installer: 2. Next step is to add the http binding to your solution (this is needed for the future redirect): Then you can configure the automatic http to https redirect using the GUI or the web.config update. My instructions originally come from blog. I suggest updating the web.config file directly in the Provider Hosted App: 3. Add this section to the web.config file: [source language=“xml”] <system.webServer> </system.webServer> [/source] It is important to know that his web.config section will cause failure on the server if URL Rewrite module is not installed. Summary These steps are very easy to accomplish and I recommend it for every Provider Hosted App, especially those ones that are accessible without going through SharePoint (Web Content -> Apps). This also reflects the configurations in Azure Apps (WebSites).
Kom igång med SPMeta2
SPMeta2 (eller bara M2) är ett relativt nytt ramverk för provisionering av SharePoint-artefakter. Bakom ramverket ligger ett gediget arbete. I den här posten vill jag skriva upp mina steg för att sätta upp ett litet projekt. För mig är SPMeta2 nytt och huvudprincipen i den här bloggposten att få en fungerande lösning så snabbt som möjligt. Informationen här kan snabbt bli inaktuell, eftersom SPMeta2 förändras och förbättras väldigt snabbt. Vad är SPMeta2 SPMeta är ett ramverk för att provisionera SharePoint-artefakter, allt från fält, innehållstyper, listor, dokumentbibliotek, user custom actions, ladda upp filer med mera. Klassiskt har vi gjort provisionering med hjälp av XML-baserade moduler och features. SPMeta2 erbjuder ett Fluent API som är kodbaserat. Med hjälp av SPMeta2 definierar man en modell (enkla objekt POCOs) som inte har beroendet till SharePoint. Modellen används sedan av Provision-delen som anropar modellen för specifika versioner: SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010, Office 365 med mera. Man kan välja CSOM och SSOM. Provision är också flexibel vad som gäller paketering: det kan vara en konsolapplikation, en SharePoint-app, ett wsp-paket, en PowerShell-modul. Se följande länkar:
Method "GetList" does not exist
I troubleshooted a piece of CSOM code in SharePoint 2013. I got the following error:
Method “GetList” does not exist
The reason was that the method GetList was not imlemented until March 2015 CU (15.0.4701.1001), and the SharePoint farm I had was SharePoint 2013 SP1 (15.0.4569.1000). So the solution is to install the Cumulative Update or use web.Lists.GetByTitle. GetByTitle has one aweful shortcoming: it doesn’t work in multilingual environments. So I have recommended to install the March 2015 CU.
Onpremifying SharePoint apps
We want to make an app available in SharePoint OnPrem, we want to onpremify it. Rethink SharePoint apps and provisioning SharePoint artifacts. It has been a while since I updated my blog – I had my vacation, I visited the sunny and green Chuvashia. Now I am back and I am looking forward to an awesome SharePoint Autumn. One of the first things I had to deal with in this SharePoint Autumn was Onpremifying of a SharePoint Online App. We have an app that has gained popularity and we want to make it available for SharePoint OnPrem. There is no such word Onpremify (yet?), I know, it is a Swenglish happy word making (onpremifiera), but I like the word “onpremify” a lot. There is still uncertainty around the purpose of SharePoint apps. One app type, though, has been used a lot in our company: an app that provisions SharePoint Artifacts – that creates SharePoint Applications. What I mean by SharePoint Applications can be read in my blog post:
Why Swedish matters
I Sverige är engelskan är väldigt stark. Speciellt i IT-branschen är vi vana att ha i princip allt på engelska, från kommentarer i koden till stora upphandlingar, rapporter och dokumentation. Trots det ser jag ett stort behov av att kunna prata om IT på svenska. Det gäller både lokala företag och globala företag. Det finns flera anledningar:
- Företag i Sverige följer svenska lagar som är skrivna på svenska, för att leva upp till kraven ska man kunna formulera sig på svenska.
- Modersmål eller det språk som man använder mest i vardagen (gäller mig bland annat) är den snabbaste vägen för kommunikation som ger en högre grad av nyansering. Att kunna nyansera krav och önskemål tidigt i projekt är guld värt (enligt många av mina korrespondenter). Man behöver spendera mindre tid på att formulera och tolka krav.
- En mer ideologisk anledning (men en viktig sådan) är att vi som bor i Sverige har skyldighet att utveckla och hålla svenskan levande, inte minst inom IT-sektorn.
Svenska är en stor möjlighet för att verkligen ge mervärde till våra kunder, möta dem på hemmaplan, prata ett gemensamt språk. Startpunkten till den här diskussionen har varit en ny webinar som jag planerar hålla den 14 april kl 10. Webinarens titel är SharePoint i molnet.Det finns ganska mycket information om SharePoint Online och Office 365 på engelska. Det är dock ganska sparsamt med information på svenska. Det här är det som väntar dig som vill delta i webinaren:
Publishing Visio diagrams as html image maps
I got a question from a customer: We have our processes defined in Visio, we don’t have SharePoint Enterprise CALs to use the Visio webpart. We have links in process maps. What can we do? Well there are three five ways to solve this business need:
- Find money for SharePoint Enterprise - Very expensive
- Show Visio diagrams as pdf files on SharePoint Pages - Expensive.
- Embed Visio diagrams as html image maps - Least expensive
- Embed Visio diagrams as svg pictures - Separate blog post.
- Link to Visio files that are opened using Visio Web Viewer in a new browser tab.
If the business needs other features available only in Enterprise, just use the solution 1. Stop reading. If you are looking for alternatives, then consider pdf and image maps. I have seen projects where pdf files were embedded in the SharePoint Pages. It required a pdf plugin in IE, a lot of time to make it look the same in different browsers and the scroll and fixed size was still there. It was expensive because of the development and configuration time. In this blog post, I want to show the alternative number 3: embedding Visio diagrams as html image maps. This is only a Proof-of-concept so far.
Struggling with Taxonomy in CSOM
The parts of the CSOM for updating Taxonomy fields are really cumbersome. I mean, look at this code, nicely provided by Vadim Gremyshev (@vgrem). To set a value in a taxonomy field we have to assemble a text representation, and adding a “fake” lookup id. What is needed is a wrapper for handling Taxonomy fields. SPMeta2 and PnP don’t seem to have it yet. Another issue that I have struggled with today was the missing Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Taxonomy.dll. If you see this error (set customErrors=“Off” in the Web.config), then you have update the reference in the Visual Studio project: Open Properties for the reference called: Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Taxonomy and ensure that Copy To Local is set to True: For some reason, this reference added through “App for SharePoint Web Toolkit” nuget package adds a reference to an assembly from your computers GAC.
Bypass all custom jslink
Client Side Rendering (CSR) and jslink are great for customizing lists and forms in SharePoint. In my current project we use it a lot of it. A disadvantage of that path, although, is that it might occur javascript errors, during the development phase, but also in production. We do, of course, our best to leverage the best jslink code, but unfortunately we have to live with the fact that errors can occur, especially when we use it for NewForm, EditForm, DisplayForm and View (in list and grid). If an error occurs, it won’t stop the rest of javascript (it is wrapped in try and catch by SharePoint), but the fields will still not function as intended. It can also be some “corrupt” or old data in the field value that will “break” the jslink code. I would like to suggest one little fix, an idea I’ve come up to in my jslink-heavy project:
Client Side Rendering with Async dependencies
Yesterday I asked a question on SharePoint StackExchange:
I also asked Elio Struyf on Twitter: Good idea, Elio Struyf! Now I want to try it out.
In this case I’ll be using my example from my blog post yesterday: Drag and Drop Image using Client Side Rendering I have created a new list and added a lookup field to my previous list. What I get is a Title of the lookup item, but not my custom field called DragAndDrop. In my test I will try to load the DragAndDrop Image using an ajax call and rendering it after Client Side Rendering is done with my item. To be complete, I want to show some screenshots for my lookup field: It will result in this OOTB rendering:
Drag and Drop Image using Client Side Rendering
I continue my series about Client Side Rendering (CSR) and jsgrid. Today I want to try a custom field where users can drag and drop images. The inspiration comes from:
- AutoUpload field written by Anton Vishnyakov and
- Base64 Drag and drop written by oroboto
What I want to achieve is:
- A custom field that is rendered with jslink
- Users can drag and drop small pictures (thumbnails) into the field
- A base64 image representation is saved as the field value
- Optionally implement pasting images using Clipboard API
Step 1 Create a field with a custom jslink
Create a field of type Note. I am using the PnP Core Extensions to make it quickier: ’ My jslink file is very simple to begin with: [code language=“javascript”] (function () { ‘use strict’; function view(ctx, field) { return “hello”; } var overrideContext = {}; overrideContext.Templates = overrideContext.Templates || {}; overrideContext.Templates.Fields = { ‘DragAndDropImage’: { ‘View’: view, ‘DisplayForm’: view //‘EditForm’: verySimpleNewAndEdit, //‘NewForm’: verySimpleNewAndEdit } }; SPClientTemplates.TemplateManager.RegisterTemplateOverrides(overrideContext); })(); [/code] This will result in the following display form. Just outputting “hello” indicates that my field is jslink are registered correctly:
Disabling a column in Quick Edit
In my project I have a column called Request Status. This column is not shown in any forms, meaning users should not edit, because it is controlled through the app. Nevertheless it is editable in the Quick Edit. Yesterday I wrote about jsgrid in my blog. Now comes more. Today I’ll share a little practical solution how one can disable editing a field in Quick Edit. The field is edited in jsgrid, but to disable it, we only have set the property called AllowGridEditing to false on our column (not even touching the heavy jsgrid api). We can do in the OnPreRender event in our Client Side Rendering (CSR) registration. Having the context object we have access to the Fields (ContextInfo.ListSchema.Field): [code language=“javascript” highlight=“6,9”] (function () { var overrideContext = {}; overrideContext.Templates = overrideContext.Templates || {}; overrideContext.Templates.OnPreRender = function(ctx) { var statusField = ctx.ListSchema.Field.filter(function(f) { return f.Name === ‘Request_x0020_Status’; }); if (statusField) { statusField[0].AllowGridEditing = false; } } SPClientTemplates.TemplateManager.RegisterTemplateOverrides(overrideContext); })(); [/code] Another way is to implement the display form: [code language=“javascript”] (function () { var view = function (ctx, field) { if (ctx.inGridMode) { field.AllowGridEditing = false; } return window.RenderFieldValueDefault(ctx); }; var overrideContext = {}; overrideContext.Templates = overrideContext.Templates || {}; overrideContext.Templates.Fields = { ‘Request_x0020_Status’: { ‘View’: view } }; SPClientTemplates.TemplateManager.RegisterTemplateOverrides(overrideContext); })(); [/code]
JSGrid Basics
JSGrid is the javascript framework in SharePoint used in Quick Edit View (previously Datasheet View). There are a few very good blog posts on this topic (See below in “Sources”). Nevertheless the fact is that jsgrid and working with quick edit from a developer’s perspective is a huge undiscovered area. Articles I have seen are intended for advanced developers. The goal with my post today is to outline the very basics of working with JSGrid. When you know the basics you will be more comfortable to discover and try out more. The example I want to show is a jsgrid code for a “VerySimpleColumn”. The source code can be found on To focus on jsgrid, I assume you have knowledge and some experience of working with jslink, which is related to jsgrid.
Do not mess with the hive
In our Intranet we got this nasty double encoding error that was introduced in SharePoint April 2014 CU. In July 2014 CU the problem is still there. I often hear the suggestions to update files directly in the hive (the root folder for SharePoint: C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\) In that blog post it is described what the problem is and what files are affected and what code must be altered in order to get it to work (which I like). But it is also suggested to update the Search.ClientControls.js directly on the server (which I don’t like). So my advise is:
Showing Birthdays and Job Anniversaries in the Newsfeed
In our project we have a requirement to show birthdays and job anniversaries in the Newsfeed. The solution is simple (when you know it) but there has not been any information about it online, until today. I want to share a few lines of PowerShell code to enable Anniversary notifications in the Newsfeed. This desired piece of code was written by my colleague Emma Degerman. Enjoy:
[source language=“PowerShell”] $job = Get-SPTimerJob | ? { $_.TypeName -like “*.UserProfileChangeJob” } $job.GenerateAnniversaries = $true $job.Schedule = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSchedule]::FromString(“hourly between 55 and 55”) $job.Update() [/source]
AppLoader Concept for SharePoint apps
In this post I want to share an unusual, nevertheless interesting conceptual idea of loading content from SharePoint 2013 apps on many pages. The original awesome concept was proposed and developed by my colleague Martin Villysson at Bool.
The problem we are trying to solve
SharePoint apps are great to extend functionality in SharePoint and integrate other systems (full page apps available through Site Contents), they also provide tools to enrich the default SharePoint experience by App Parts (Client Web Parts) and Custom Actions (additional menus).
Configuring VirtualBox for SharePoint-Hosted Apps
Recently I have switched from VMWare to VirtualBox for my SharePoint Development. So far it really works good. I have prepared this guide for configuring VirtualBox for SharePoint-hosted apps. That means we need a new adapter with a static ip address. All the steps done inside the virtual machine are applicable for VMWare and Hyper-V, too. This guide does not cover the full configuration of the app environment, it covers only the network and dns settings needed for SharePoint-hosted apps on Premises in a Development machine.
GeoLocation Field in SharePoint 2013
In SharePoint 2013 Preview there is a new type of field: GeoLocation which is, like the old SPUrlField, a pair of values. The geolocation is described as longitude and latitude. Unfortunately you can’t add this field in list settings. You have to create this in code. In the provided link you can find the code C# code which uses the Client Object Model. In another link you can find an example how to create the geolocation file using Server Object Model (in FeatureActivated EventReceiver). If you know me, you might already know that I will propose a JavaScript solution. Here is the code to create a geolocation field in an existing list using JSOM: