.gitignore for .net
By Anatoly Mironov
At appharbor there is a simple .gitignore file for .net applications. If you use Resharper, you may find the extended version of .gitignore useful. A most comprehensive .gitignore can be found on gitextensions website. (Thanks to Vasiliy Aksyonov for the comment):
#ignore thumbnails created by windows
#Ignore files build by Visual Studio
```If git tracks some files you don't want it to track, [just remove these files from the git repo](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1273108/how-do-i-git-rm-a-file-without-deleting-it-from-disk "See the answer at Stackoverflow"):
git rm –cached file
**Next**: [".gitignore" for TFS: .tfignore](/2012/10/08/tfignore-gitignore-for-tfs/)
## Comments from Wordpress.com
[Vasiliy Aksyonov]( "outring@gmail.com") - <time datetime="2011-10-24 06:36:16">Oct 1, 2011</time>
Here is default .gitignore from gitextensions (http://code.google.com/p/gitextensions/): #ignore thumbnails created by windows Thumbs.db #Ignore files build by Visual Studio \*.obj \*.exe \*.pdb \*.user \*.aps \*.pch \*.vspscc \*\_i.c \*\_p.c \*.ncb \*.suo \*.tlb \*.tlh \*.bak \*.cache \*.ilk \*.log \[Bb\]in \[Dd\]ebug\*/ \*.lib \*.sbr obj/ \[Rr\]elease\*/ \_ReSharper\*/ \[Tt\]est\[Rr\]esult\*
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[mirontoli]( "mirontoli@gmail.com") - <time datetime="2011-10-24 10:56:38">Oct 1, 2011</time>
Awesome! Thanks for your improvement comment!
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