ListUrl on EventReceiver
When you create an eventreceiver, you get the ListTemplateId attribute. It works fine. But if you want the eventreceiver to trigger on one particular list, just replace ListTemplateId attribute with ListUrl. For Pages you can use:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<Receivers **ListUrl="$Resources:cmscore,List\_Pages\_UrlName;"**\>
Change CA port number
In order to change port number for the Central Administration site, run this cmdlet:
Set-SPCentralAdministration -Port 1337
You can set any number between 1023 and 32767 except 443.
Create own delegate control
In this post I’ll show how to create a simple (but own) delegate control. A short intro and links on delegate controls can be found on sharepointoverflow. Take a look on master page. There are already many delegate controls. The delegate control with id AdditionalPageHead can be used for adding your script or jQuery library.:
You can also override existing controls like searchbox. But what if you want to add some content in the master page where no delegate controls are present. Of course, you can add it directly to the master page. Perhaps not on all webs? You can use placeholders to manage it. But do you want to update all the page layouts? So the solution is to use delegate controls, for adding multiple pieces of content or overriding using Sequence. In this example I’ll add some new content to the quicklaunch bottom area:
SiteLogoImage to RootWeb
If you click on the site logo, as default you go to the current spweb’s default.aspx page. If you want to override this, locate:
id="onetidProjectPropertyTitleGraphic" >
```Change ~site to ~sitecollection:
<SharePoint:SPLinkButton runat=“server” NavigateUrl="~sitecollection/" id=“onetidProjectPropertyTitleGraphic” >
Hide Site Actions
The easiest way to hide Site Actions for a specific audience is to wrap this into a SPSecuritityTrimmingControl. Locate in your master page. Paste this before span element:
<SharePoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl runat="server" Permissions="ManageLists">
Find the ending element and paste:
Get all comments
If you try to get comments quantity for a url, you may wonder, why there is only quantity of the comments which the current user has posted:
public int GetNumberOfNewsPageComments
(SPSite currentSite, string pageUrl, int max)
var serviceContext =
var socialCommentManager =
new SocialCommentManager(serviceContext);
var comments = socialCommentManager
.GetComments(new Uri(pageUrl), max);
if (comments != null)
return comments.Length;
return -1;
```The solution is to impersonate the SPSite object with an account who has the rights to manage social data. Give this permission to the account in CA - Application Management - Service Applications - User Profile Service. [![]( "manage-social-data")](
Custom favicon
It is easy to use a custom favicon, put a ico image into a mapped folder Images and then locate this line in your master page:
<SharePoint:SPShortcutIcon runat="server" IconUrl="/\_layouts/images/favicon.ico" />
```And replace it with your ico:
<SharePoint:SPShortcutIcon runat=“server” IconUrl="/_layouts/images/CONTOSO/favicon.ico" />
Increase performance while retrieving data with LINQ to SP
If you are just intrested in getting data, not writing to the source like SubmitChange, you can disable ObjectTracking and increase the performance.
context.ObjectTrackingEnabled = false;
```I found this tip on page 248 in the book "[Sharepoint 2010 as a development platform]("
Do an unsafe update in a unified manner
Recently I talked about a WithWeb-pattern as described in Jonas Nilssons blog where you can isolate the disposal logic in one place. Another thing is to isolate unsafe updates:
public static class SPWebExtension
public static void UnsafeUpdate(this SPWeb web, Action<SPWeb> action)
Log.Info("Trying to do an unsafe update on a web: " + web.Title);
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
catch (Exception e)
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
```The Log class is my own class which I presented in [my previous post](
## Comments from
[WithWeb-pattern of Jonas Nilsson « Sharepoint. Kunskap. Upptäckter på resan.]( "") - <time datetime="2011-09-21 17:28:23">Sep 3, 2011</time>
\[...\] Here I use another fancy way to consolidate the unsafe updates. \[...\]
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