Min första kolumnformatering
Jag har precis börjat med kolumnformatering, bara testat. Det är annorlunda, jag är nöjd med första resultatet. Även om det påminner om jslink som jag har jobbat mycket med, så är det mycket lättare att sätta igång:
Det är enklare att ändra, även för en icke-utvecklare. Man får en början:
Med hjälp av dokumentation av List Formatting och Office UI Fabric Icons, har jag skapat en enkel formatering som jag är riktigt nöjd med:
Get totals from a list view using PowerShell
Today I will share a short script for getting totals from a list view in SharePoint. Imagine this scenario: you have set up a list view with totals and you want get the totals every day for statistics or some other reasons. Instead of getting all items, and/or fiddling around with CamlQueries, there is a better and quicker way - List.RenderListData. This combined with a tip from Piyush K Singhs blog post Get Aggregate Values… I came up with an idea to read the ViewXml from an existing view and retrieve the totals (in my case Count and Sum).
English vs. Non-English
This post is about the default language of a new site in SharePoint Online. There are some pros and cons of using English as the default language for Non-English sites.
In my case I want to know what is better for Swedish users:
A site with English as default and Swedish as an alternate language (among many other alternate languages)? A site with Swedish as default? Today, when you create a site, English is pre-selected in the form, you have to choose Swedish actively.
Tips and Trick for Azure Functions
These are my favourite tips and tricks. These are only those who me and my colleguages have tried out.
Architecture tips Keep it slim Functions should do one thing and they should do it well. When you develop it in C# and Visual Studio, it is so tempting to develop a “microservice” in a good way, you add interfaces, implement good patterns, and all of a sudden you get a monolith packaged in a microservice.
Switch back to Modern UI
Just a little tip. When you switched to a Classic View of Site Contents, you can switch back by removing a cookie called “splnu”.
Update LocaleId and TimeZone with PnP
If you get an error while trying to update Regional Settings on your SharePoint Online Site, then PowerShell combination of PnP and CSOM are to the rescue.
The issue I got was that indexed columns were there. You can try to remove indexed columns and re-add them. But it is not the best solution. In my scenario, it was an indexed column that I couldn’t remove.
The reason why I use a combination of PnP and CSOM (Load, Update, ExecuteQuery), is that I have not found a way of updating RegionalSettings in PnP.
Tips and tricks for Site Collection App Catalogs
Site Collection App Catalogs (SCAC) are much appreciated, thank you, Office 365 Team. Here is a couple of tips and tricks for SCAC.
Tip #1 You don’t need Tenant Admin rights to add a new Site Collection App Catalog I have seen many blogs, forum threads etc that state that only Global Tenant Administrators can add new Site Collection App Catalogs. The truth is that a SharePoint Admin rights are enough.
Just because I can should I use Private Office 365 CDN
This is about a topic brought up by Waldek Mastykarz: Just because you can should you use the Office 365 CDN. In my post I want to take a closer look at the private CDN option in Office 365. Please note, the whole thing is subject to change, and it reflects the circumstances at the time of writing - 2019-08-26.
I’ll skip the introduction of Office 365, let’s jump directly to the Private CDN option.
Simple Build for dotnet new react
I created a sample ASP.NET Core app with React. dotnet new react Then it took a couple of hours to get the build to work. Here is my working azure-pipelines.yml:
Resources: Azure Pipelines Predefined Variables Create ASP.NET Core app with React PublishWebProjects must be false
Svenska i Office 365 Admin
Svenskt gränssnitt i Office 365 är inte självklart. Här är en lista på översättningar som jag stött på som går att härleda, men som inte är helt etablerade i svenskan.
Compliance - efterlevnad Policy - princip Retention - kvarhållning