Show a presence bubble
By Anatoly Mironov
There is no built-in sharepoint control for the presence bubble. If you want to add this functionality on your pages you have to add it as html. Here is a sample:
private static int \_COUNTER = 0;
private const string PresenceBubble =
"<a class='ms-imnlink' href='javascript:;'>" +
"<img width='12' height='12' id='imn\_pawn\_{0}' onload=\\"IMNRC('{1}')\\" alt='My SID' " +
"src='/\_layouts/images/imnoff.png' border='0' " +
"showofflinepawn='1' sip='{2}'></a> {3}";
private static string FormatUser(SPUser user)
return string.Format(PresenceBubble, \_COUNTER, user.Email, user.GetSipAddress(SPContext.Current.Web), user.Name);